Chapter Twenty Six-No Turning Back

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When Raven woke up the next morning, she turned and felt nothing in her bed. She started remembering what happened last night and remembered Beast Boy staying with her through the night. She was confused when he wasn't there, but she just got up and got ready for the day.

Once she was fully dressed and ready to go, she walked to the common room, only to find the Titans all staring at a monitor on the screen.

"Um, guys, what are you doing?" She asked, walking closer to her teammates. She still wasn't sure if she wanted them to help her with her father, but they seemed set on defeating him.

"We're finding Trigon. And we're going to stop him." Robin mumbled, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Beast Boy turned around and walked towards Raven, hugging her around the waist. She was taken aback at first, but then hugged back until he let go.

"Don't worry Rae, we'll find him." He said, giving her a reassuring smile.

They stared into each other's eyes until Robin yelled something from the other end of the room.

"There's no way we can pick up a signal on him, Raven, do you think you could take us to his home dimension? That's our only hope at finding him."

Raven looked down at the ground, but then looked up into Robin's mask. "I can, but I have to warn you, what you see won't be pretty."
Raven had gotten the portal ready for the team. The dimension they were traveling to was very hard to reach, so they would have to move fast before her energy ran out.

As soon as the portal was opened, Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg jumped through. Beast Boy turned to look at her and quickly followed the rest. As she stepped in, she took one last look at the tower and sealed the portal behind her.
Raven stepped into a fiery hell. She was on a rock with lava on all sides of it. She saw the other members of the team struggling to get across without overheating themselves. Starfire had grabbed Robin and Beast Boy had grabbed Cyborg, flying them towards the great fire ahead.

Once they had reached the fire, they saw a castle ahead of them, made purely of molten lava. Raven took the lead and led the others towards the door, figuring the only way to get her father's attention was to make a scene.

"Okay, no matter what happens in there, you guys cannot hurt yourselves, okay. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I know something happened to you because of me. If anything happens, I should be the one to take the fall." She pulled her cloak down and looked at the doors ahead of her.

"Here we go."

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