Chapter Seven-Recovery

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It's been two years since the accident. Raven has kept more to herself than ever and Beast Boy spends all of his time in the training room, working out. They never did tell their teammates what happened, but nobody wanted to pressure them, so only the two know what actually happened.

Starfire, Robin, and Cyborg were sitting around the table discussing some of the pressing matters in the city.

"So, Cinderblock and Plasmus seem to be working together again, the H.I.V.E. have been causing panic, but they've been on the down low lately, and we still have Slade who we have been unable to catch." Robin said, tapping his fingers on the table.

Suddenly, the Crime Alert went off and Robin quickly jumped up to see who it was. "This is weird." he said, "our alert system doesn't know who's terrorizing the city, all we have is the location of the enemy."

All of the Titans got up and quickly left the tower. Once they got to the location of the crime, they realized that this was not one enemy. It was three.

There before them stood Plasmus, Cinderblock, and Terra. Their new worst enemy had brought together two of the strongest criminals in the city.

Except, she wasn't controlling them, they were fighting her. And she wasn't exactly winning. Cinderblock had been hitting her back and forth, and although she could usually move rock, this enemy was a special case. And as for Plasmus, we was attacking her from behind, continuously aiming his slime at her, but luckily she was quick to dodge.

"You know what we have to do Titans, do not let our past get in the way", Robin said, "TITANS GO!"

Starfire flew up and began hitting Plasmus with her star bolts with Terra while Cyborg and Robin were focused on Cinderblock.

Raven and Beast Boy just stood on the ground, both looking at Terra. Raven with disgust and Beast Boy with longing. He still loved her, even though she worked with Slade and hurt him, she was still the love of his life. After a moment, Raven snapped out of her trance and headed towards Terra. She was the one with the most reason to hate her, but would that make her attack her?

It somehow didn't. Raven went up towards Terra and helped fight Plasmus. With her powers, the criminal was put back into a dreamless sleep. The three girls then went on to fight Cinderblock. With five people attacking one guy, you'd think it would be an easy win, but he was a fighter. He managed to hit Terra, flinging her against a wall, where she went into unconsciousness.

Beast Boy quickly ran over and held her in his arms. After a quick nod from Robin, he flew her back to Titan Tower.

"Terra you have to be okay", Beast Boy said after he hooked her up to every possible thing in the infirmary. He had her hand in his, even though she had worked with Slade, he wouldn't believe she did it because she wanted to. That's not the Terra he knew.

Her hair was now only a little past her shoulders, but that seemed to be the only thing about her that had changed. Unlike Terra, Beast Boy had changed quite a bit, he had grown almost five inches, making Raven the shortest Titan, and he had also gotten much stronger. His wimpy arms were now very muscular and he had achieved a six-pack of abs. He still had higher goals to achieve so he could protect himself, but this was good for now.

The remaining four Titans returned sometime later that day, but Beast Boy barely noticed them. He stayed with Terra until she woke up.

"Beast Boy?" Terra asked, looking down at their hands. She quickly pulled her hand away from him and put it on the bed. "I have to tell you what happened with Slade. You deserve to know."

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