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Mainly I didn't respond because he spoke to me in person instead of mind-linking.

I woke up in a bed, not my bed though...because I fell asleep on the bathroom floor...

"Morning seashell~" I hear a chirpy voice say.

"No, just no." I groan sitting up.

"oooh, someone's not a morning person."

"Fuck-y-you" I feel bile rise in my throat and I get up and run in the direction I think the bathroom is, finally finding it I fall to the floor throwing up into the toilet.

Spitting I stand up walking over to the sink sighing softly the memories of last night filter into my mind making my wipe my hands down my face and groan.

"Seashell?" Apollo stands in the doorframe leaning on it slightly looking concerned. 

I look over to him.

"I'm fine..."

"Lies, come on we need to talk" he grabs my hand and leads me to the main room of this place.

I still don't know where I am.

"Perce?" he calls my name bringing me back to earth and out of my mind.


"Did you ever read my note?"

"Uhh, no, no I didn't get a chance to. What did it say?"

He mumbles something incoherent.

"What? You did what?"


"You did what?!"

"Yeah...I did."

"No asshat, what did you do?"

I whack the back of his neck and he pouts rubbing it "Ow! Meanie"

"You'll live, now tell me what the note said and what you apparently did."


1 hour later we had finally finished sorting out Apollo's scandals.

"This sucks."

"You signed up for it."

"You kidnapped me!" I waved my arms around and widened my eyes before moving them in to cover my face "This is going to end in disaster." I groan rubbing my eyes.

"Well, that's very optimistic." He smirks.

"'Pollo I need to go back to camp, J-Jase will be worried..."

He tilts his head and nods softly understanding.

"You don't have to go back right now...and from the way things ended last night I don't think he'll forget it easily."

"Fuuuuuck" I groan throwing my head back. 

"Do you want me to come with you...?"

"Where even am I Apollo?"

"In a cabin, out of the way of the Gods and others."

I look kinda surprised but also curious. "and you have this...why?"

"Even Gods, need peace and quiet." He says softly.

"Right...It's a cute place."

He nods, "You can come here anytime you need. You know how to contact me." He winks.

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