◇Chapter 7◇

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nce Jisung was done eating he got up to leave the cafe, midway leaving the cafe he felt someone watching him he knew it was the elder he knew he had no intentions to talk with the elder so he walked out of there not daring to leave a glance at Minho. He walked back home wandering how he got himself into all this and the fact Minho is a whole ass vampire who has been haunting Jisung's dreams for some apparent reason which Jisung didn't know. To Jisung he thought the best thing to do was to ignore the elder since he doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. For the past few days it was all like this Jisung ignored the elder even at school he ghosted his texts aswell. His friends noticed it but didn't ask him about it. Jisung entered the schools building deciding to get to class early since he had gained a annoying habit of ignoring the bell everytime it rings, but on his way he felt a pair of arms drag him into the males bathroom. Jisung was worried because he had no enemies in this school he had made sure he wouldn't have any problems with any one, so what at all would someone want from him. He opened his eyes to be met with Minho's gaze, Jisung sighed in annoyance, and looked away from the elder only to feel a cold set of fingers forcefully grab his chin and move his head to the direction of Minho. "What's ur issue." Jisung said to the elder sounding fully annoyed at the elder. Minho chuckled darkly at him before answering the younger male. "My issue?, you've been ignoring me for a week now." Minho looked at him with a sharp gaze, his tone  sounding completely venomous, Jisung felt himself getting lost in the tone of Minho's voice no matter how annoyed he was at the elder he could never resist this version of him, he could drown in his voice. Minho noticed it and chuckled reading his answer right through Jisung's eyes, he leaned his head onto Jisung's soft shoulder Minho whispered into Jisungs ear saying. "Your special Jisung, it's always been you." Jisung looked at him in confusion not getting what the elder was trying to specify to him. "Ah am sorry hyung, but I don't get your point here." Jisung said to him in curiosity. Minho lifted his head up from Jisung's shoulder before replying the younger."I'll tell you this evening, at my place." Just like that the elder disappeared without a single track leaving Jisung there. Jisung immediately slapped his forehead with his hand for failing to ignore Minho. Jisung shrugged it off and made his way to his class not wanting to be late and catch detention, Jisung was lucky he came in a few seconds before the teacher had came in. He sat at his usual seat by Felix right behind Seungmin and Jeonjin. Once he sat down Felix gave him that one look. "No I did not." Jisung said breaking Felix's smirk. "Are u sure Jisung?" Felix said whiles wiggling his eyebrows. "Omg lix he said no plus Jisung is my favourite child and he would never." Seungmin joins in on the conversation his voice tinted with pride before Jeonjin opened his mouth to say. "What do you mean Jisung is your favourite I thought both you and channie hyung said I was you guy's favourite child!"  This went on for a while everyone was contemplating on who was the favourite child not even paying attention to the lesson. Suddenly Jisung got interrupted by a message on his phone so he decided to check it out.

Min hyung

Be quite Han-a.

Jisung read the message in confusion, but complied with the elder whiles the others were arguing on who is the favourite child not noticing Jisung's sudden emergance of silence, just then the teacher appeared infront of the four and gave Seungmin, felix and Jeonjin detention. "Damn hyung is a life saver." Jisung mumbled to himself as he watched the others do a gloomy and annoyed face. He looked towards the direction of the elder, and noticed his features, his dark brown hair and sharp jawline, he looked dreamy as if he's just an image u could just imagine of in your head. Jisung couldn't lie the elder was definitely attractive who was he to disagree on that fact?

The day ended quicker than how Jisung intended for it to go. Jisung couldn't go home with his roommates since they would be stuck in detention for a good two hours before they can return home, then Jisung remembered his meet up Minho had planned with him, he decided it was still early so he could head home first before actually heading to the elders place, but of course luck was not on his side it started raining before Jisung could even step out of the schools gate. He thought he would be stuck there for a while until the rain stops then he felt a taller presence standing behind him he was met with the elder Minho. "Need help?" The elder male asked Jisung. The younger immediately nodded at him, leaving Minho grinning, the elder pulled out an umbrella and led Jisung towards his black car and opened the passenger seat before opening his own to take a seat. The drive there was silent, Jisung didn't dare to break the silence since he still wasn't on good terms with the elder, but Minho on the other hand payed no attention to the younger his main focus was on the road. Once they arrived there Jisung was met with a familiar house, he didn't recall so much of this place since the last time he had came here he was under the influence of alcohol. "Want some water?" Minho asked Jisung once they entered his home, Jisung shook his head he just wanted to know Minho's explanations  before he heads home. Minho nodded in understanding and gestured for Jisung to sit next to him on his large sized couch. The elder had crossed his legs elegantly before turning his head to the direction of the younger. Jisung sat there impatiently waiting for Minho's explanation. "Can you explain and stop staring at me?" Jisung said sounding annoying. The elder sighed before answering.

"Don't you get the fact it's always been you?"

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