No, I don't need anything. I just heard the sound and —, When did you come back? Jeonghan asked, his curiosity evident as he looked at Seungcheol.

Just half an hour ago,"


I was going to wake you up. It's good that you woke up on your own. The dinner is almost done.

Jeonghan noticed that Seungcheol hadn't changed his clothes since earlier. Have you taken a bath?, he asked.

In the morning, yes. Right now, no.

Why not now?

Well, if I had taken a bath, it would have taken too long, so I started cooking, Seungcheol replied. Don't worry, I did wash my hands. The food is not unhygienic, trust me, he added with a small smile, though he was clearly embarrassed about the situation.

No, it's okay. You should have taken a bath, Jeonghan replied. Food can wait. He glanced at the cooked meal from that the Alpha made. Moreover, I didn't finish the food you gave me before.

It was obvious the way it was kept in the fridge, Seungcheol smiled. You must be hungry, so sit at the table. I'm bringing it, he gestured, indicating the dinner table.

The Omega sat in the chair while the Alpha brought over dinner, placing a plate and bowl on the table and arranging the food. Where's yours? Jeonghan asked.

Mine? Seungcheol paused, then smiled. I've already eaten.

You've already eaten, Jeonghan shook his head. So why did you make it?

For you.

But the leftovers—, Jeonghan started to say, but Seungcheol cut him off as he looked at the clock. Ah, it's already 11. I gotta go, Seungcheol said, grabbing his coat from the chair and heading towards the door.

Where are you going? Jeonghan questioned, watching Seungcheol rush off.

To part time.

But you just came from there.

Version 2.0, you could say, Seungcheol laughed as he opened the door.

Try to eat as much as you can, he smiled at Jeonghan before leaving.

Jeonghan's response was cut short as Seungcheol hurried off before he could say much more. Left alone once again in the house, Jeonghan found himself confronted by solitude, a constant companion.

As he sat at the table, the shadows seemed to press closer, but he pushed back against the encapsulating darkness with every bite of Seungcheol's meal.

Eating alone was routine, yet tonight it felt heavier than usual. Jeonghan knew how to hide his emotions, convincing himself that being alone was insignificant. But beneath that facade, there was a yearning for connection, a craving for company. He somewhere in his heart wished that the Alpha would eat with him like they did before.

Despite the sadness lingering within him, Jeonghan coerced his mind into acceptance, convincing himself that being alone and eating alone were everyday occurrences, not worth dwelling on.

However, as he savored each bite of Seungcheol's cooking, something unexpected happened. A small smile crept across Jeonghan's face, like a ray of light piercing through clouds. Seungcheol's homemade meal had a comforting effect, momentarily dispelling the shadows that enveloped the Omega's heart.

With every bite, memories surfaced—memories of homecooked meals that were few and far between. Instant packets had become the norm, a stark contrast to the time and care infused in each dish Seungcheol had prepared. As he relished the flavors, Jeonghan found solace in the simple act of being nourished by someone else's hand.

It was a reminder that someone cared enough to cook for him, disrupting the solitude he had grown accustomed to.

Though the Omega trained his mind well enough to not get used to this kindness as it was momentary, totally temporary from the Alpha, just for the sake of the connection (child) between them.


To all those who vote and comment, thank you so much

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To all those who vote and comment, thank you so much. It encourages me a lot. I am grateful :)

And then, I met you. || Jeongcheol ||Where stories live. Discover now