Mardi Gras

486 22 4

I want to see Earth.

I'm the only one in all of creation who has never seen it.

I don't have many hopes for it, considering I live in hell. I mean, how good could it be if this is the result of the bad?

Nobody here will miss me...

Kinda funny, y'know. The people I would gladly die for want nothing to do with me.

Anyway, I'll go to Earth and disguise myself to fit the era and its humans.

I believe the year is 1927.

I don't even know where I'll go, but it's Earth, so...


I open a portal and step through to Earth's surface.


A color I hardly see.

There are thousands of trees around, hovering over me.

I look down at my attire. Interesting. A striking dress, a vision of sophistication and grace.

My dress is a knee-length skirt, perfectly tailored, and a fitted bodice that cinches at the waist. The fabric is a rich velvet in deep f/c. I complete my look with delicate lace gloves and a matching hat with a silk ribbon.

I pull my h/l hair into view, which is a n/h/c.

*Natural hair color.

I start walking through the forest around me, admiring everything I see.

The trees, grass, bugs, flowers, I even saw this deer!

I did some research before I came here, so I wasn't completely clueless.

I keep walking until I hear a notice that sounds like civilization.

Am I ready for that?

Probably not...

Here we go!

I keep walking towards the noise until I see a big float.

What? I never read about this.

I keep walking when I see a huge crowd of people lining a street while an array of floaters go past.

Lively music fills the air along with cheers and shouts of joy.

As I stood amidst the bustling crowd, I couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant colors, the lively music, and the joyous energy enveloping the streets.

People clad in elaborate costumes danced past me, their laughter infectious, and their spirits high.

Confusion mixed with curiosity as I watched the procession of floats adorned with intricate designs and adorned with beads and feathers.

Though I didn't fully grasp the significance of this celebration, the contagious excitement swept me along, and I found myself swept up in the revelry of this festival, a show unlike anything I had ever seen before.

It's truly beautiful.

People with glasses are raising to a meaning I don't understand. They don't seem to notice me, but I notice them.

What are they celebrating?

I walk slowly through the crowd, and my eyes train on the colors around me.

How do humans have this much energy?

As I meandered through the bustling crowds, I couldn't help but feel disconnected from the fervent energy pulsating around me. The cacophony of laughter, music, and shouts seemed distant, almost surreal, as if I were an outsider peering into a world I didn't quite understand.

Lucifers Older Sister // Alastor x fem¡readerWhere stories live. Discover now