Chapter 11: The poor little character was blackmailed

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It was the second day after the rumor about the incident of "Nokoru begging and presenting a gift to Kanon" spread throughout the entire school. Kanon had never experienced such curious gazes following her wherever she went. Even though Seiji was always by her side as a bodyguard, it didn't make her feel any better. In class, everyone tried to comfort her, but the fact that she had caught the attention of the idol of the entire school was truly noticeable.

During lunch, while eating with Zansa and Seiji outside the garden, Kanon felt a cold, piercing gaze directed towards her. Out of reflex, Kanon turned around to look in that direction, only to see a female figure wearing the Clamp school uniform and long flowing hair.

"What's wrong, Kanon-chan?" Zansa asked, concerned for her friend.

"I feel like someone is watching me," Kanon hesitantly expressed her thoughts. She didn't think she had anything worth being watched for and hoped it was just her illusion. She turned back and saw her bodyguard enjoying his meal without any concerns. She doubted and asked, "Do you feel anything, Ichikawa-senpai?"

"It's true that there is a gaze with hostile intentions looking this way, but it doesn't carry any danger. There's no need to worry," he reassured her.

The conclusion was reached at the same time with Seiji's lunchbox being completely empty. He neatly packed his lunchbox and tied it carefully with a cloth, making sure to pour three cups of tea for himself and the two young ladies.

"What does 'hostile' mean?" Zansa curiously asked.

"I thought everyone knew, Hanazaki-sama has always been looked at like that," Seiji replied nonchalantly.

Seiji's casual response left Kanon stunned. It turned out that all this time she had been seen as an enemy in the eyes of the three Student Council members' fangirls.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kanon asked, holding her head in her hands.

Seiji calmly sipped his tea and finally spoke to reassure her,

"It's not a problem because none of those things pose any danger to the you, lady. Just ignore them like you've been doing all this time, pretending you don't know anything."

"But how can I ignore it when I already know?" Kanon exclaimed.

Kanon resented her bodyguard, ever since he stopped wearing a poker face, his sharp tongue became even more unpleasant. Could he be one of the reasons she was being targeted by those fangirls as well? That could be true!

After school, Kanon went to open her locker to store her books and change her shoes, never expecting to receive a letter. Kanon blinked, "Could it be a love letter?" but there was no heart sticker attached to it like she often saw in movies and mangas. Curious, Kanon opened the letter, inside were cut-out letters from a magazine, forming the slanted words, "Stay away from Imonoyama Kaichou!"

Oh my goodness, Kanon slapped her chest, it's truly unjust, and moreover, this blackmail method was the most common and traditional one she had used in her newly released detective story. Wasn't this culprit indirectly challenging her?

Frustrated, Kanon crumpled the letter in her hand. It was such a waste of time, but then she smiled, eagerly looking forward to seeing what else this culprit had in store. She had seen and read about so much bullying stories, and she couldn't believe that in this anime world, there would be someone more malicious than what she had read. It was impossible!

Kanon accepted and fully utilized the words of her poker-faced bodyguard, "Just ignore it!" Indeed, if it weren't for the blackmail, she would be scrutinized wherever she went, knowing the cause and being aware that she was the victim, she couldn't just ignore it and live. But if she encountered a situation where she was being blackmailed, and she knew the culprit was somewhere waiting for her reaction, provoking them back would make her excited. She just wanted to see how the living materials for her new school story project would turn out!

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