Reup Chapter 6: Achievement

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Over the peaceful passing years, she finally settled into a stable routine. The Student Council President of elementary division, Imonoyama Nokoru, unintentionally and frequently bumped into her, pretending to be friendly, and eventually sought her opinions on various matters. In the end, he successfully added Akira to his harem. Observing the satisfied expression on his face, she affirmed that he had some ulterior motive, although she knew he could accomplish anything without her. It must be noted that during these years, not only did Nokoru recruit people, but she also managed to recruit someone herself.

"Good morning, Hanazaki-sama!"

"Ichikawa-senpai, how many times do I have to tell you? Please call me Kanon and don't add 'sama' to it. I might choke on my tea. And can't you sit down? How am I supposed to drink tea with you standing like that?"

Ichikawa Seiji stood behind the chair she was sitting in at the school's canteen, resolutely refusing to leave his position, his cold expression not warming up even a bit in response to his lady's pleading words.

Kanon admitted defeat to this person. She sighed, wondering why Nokoru and Souh became close friends, able to understand each other without speaking, while she got entangled with this block of ice. Or perhaps it is easier to find a compromise as a ninja rather than as a samurai?

"Kanon-chan, if you keep sighing like that, you won't be able to appreciate the tea's delicious taste."

Without looking, Kanon already knew who had just spoken. Nokoru smiled mischievously as he sat across from Kanon, not forgetting to nod in greeting to Ichikawa Seiji. He often witnessed Seiji's steadfastness and stubbornness, moreover it seemed that Seiji had no intention of getting close to anyone in the student council, so they only treated each other as acquaintances, exchanging nods of greeting. Perhaps Kanon was an exception to Seiji's "closeness" because she was also involved with the student council, whether she wanted to or not.

Nokoru casually poured himself a cup of tea, adding plenty of milk and drinking as if this tea table was his own. Kanon had no choice, simply drinking her own tea, pulling a book out of her bag and slowly reading, ignoring Nokoru who was waiting for her to speak first. But after years of training, she had upgraded the new level of patience and eccentricity as this student council president. Finally:

"Alright, alright! I give up! Kanon-chan! I have a proposal for you..."

Kanon continued drinking her tea, not bothering to look up.

"The thing is, this weekend, the student council has a trip around Tokyo..."

She still remained silent.

"And the destination is Tokyo Tower. The student council wants to rent the entire tower to organize a ball there."

Only now did Kanon raise her head:

"Are you planning to buy that tower too?"

She was absolutely 100% certain about that. This wealthy person always found a way to acquire whatever he desired and stash it in his pocket. He just had so much money, it was excessive, Kanon muttered under her breath.

"Oh, Kanon-chan, you truly understand me! You know what I want!" Nokoru's eyes sparkled, but then he immediately spoke with a hint of sadness. "But it is artifact, not for sale!"

"Then what? If it is not for sale, no one can buy it anyway!"

Hearing Kanon's attempt at consolation, Nokoru wiped away his fake tears and continued with his proposal.

"I want to invite you to join the student council's trip."

Kanon raised an eyebrow, suspicious of the offer.

(Translate) Fanfic Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan - Clamp School DetectivesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin