Chapter 14: The real culprit

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Finally, Mrs. Hanazaki returned and found a group of peculiar children sitting quietly around a tea table in the garden.

"Oh, what's going on here? Who are you all?" she asked.

Nokoru stood up first, breaking the silence with a graceful and polite speech:

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Hanazaki! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Imonoyama Nokoru, and this is Takamura Suoh, Ijyuin Akira form Clamp school's Elementary Student Council. This young lady is Ohkawa Mako and I guess you already know Ichikawa Seiji and Ichikawa Setsu. We all are friends of Kanon. We heard she was feeling unwell today, so we took the liberty to visit. We hope we are not causing any inconvenience to your family!"

Mrs. Hanazaki chuckled, quickly won over by the charming gentlemanly appearance of Nokoru:

"Oh, you are not a bother at all. It's a pleasure to have you all here. Let me go prepare some tea and snacks. That little Kanon is such a handful, doesn't know how to entertain guests properly."

She then disappeared into the kitchen to prepare tea and snacks for them. Before closing the door, Kanon felt like her mother was glancing at the Ichikawa brothers. As the door closed, a new debate arose, as if the previous silence had never existed.

"Is that Kanon-senpai's mother? She looks just like her, beautiful and graceful!"
Mako spoke up in a flattering tone. Kanon truly didn't want to think of the term "flattery" when referring to the elegant and proud Ohkawa princess, but what Mako was displaying now was hard to describe with any other words.

"Cough cough cough!"

Setsu choked on his own saliva, then tried to contain his laughter. Seiji noticed his cousin's discomfort and quickly patted his back to help him, but in Kanon's eyes, it wasn't just a regular pat on the back; it seemed more like they were practicing martial arts.

*This is definitely not the sound of a regular pat on the back.*

"What's wrong, Setsu? Are you okay? Do you need more pats from me?"

"I-I'm... fi-fine..."

"What are you saying? I can't hear you clearly. Still choking? Let me take care of it!"

And another round of pats ensued, causing the four members of the detective team, including Kanon, to stare wide-eyed and break out in a cold sweat. It seemed that Seiji was not one to be messed with. Kanon silently felt lucky to be considered his "lady". Mako, on the other hand, remained calm amidst this public display of torture, disguised as caring concern. She modestly tucked away her story with a graceful demeanor that was indescribable, her face filled with endless sorrow that touched the hearts of all who saw her.

Seeing the "unhappy" expression of a "girl" in front of him, Nokoru immediately turned his attention to his noble mission, naturally stepping forward towards Mako, kneeling down, and gently lifting the princess-like hands of Ohkawa, asking:

- Ohkawa-hime? Are you okay? Shouldn't these eyes be filled with smiles instead of worries like this? Is there anything that the Clamp School Detective Team can help you with?

Mako shook her cute head and continued to put her story draft into her bag, but in her confusion, she accidentally dropped a piece of paper that was tucked inside the draft. The paper flew in a zigzag path and landed at Kanon's feet. Kanon, not curious or intending to see what the paper was, couldn't ignore it when it appeared right in front of her and was a matter of concern. The paper was the threatening letter she had been receiving recently, with letters cut out from the magazine "Stay Away from Student Council President Imonoyama Nokoru."

"Oh, don't look at that, it's..."

Mako exclaimed upon realizing what the paper she dropped was, but it was too late. Kanon widened her eyes as she looked at the paper, then at Mako, and at that moment, everyone at the table leaned in to read it.

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