Chapter 15: Dinner With Hunter

Start from the beginning

"What!? Shit! Zayn just told Niall that Tara is free tonight. Niall's on his way right now!" Louis says. I can just picture him smacking his face and running it down to his chin.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" I scream, standing up and pacing. "Tara is on her way to Trent Park with another guy on a date! What is Niall going to do when he finds out that Tara is seeing someone else?" My heart beats a little faster as I think of how bad Niall's been. Tara had told me what had happened, but Louis had given me a much different version of it; still the same idea, of course. I had seen the Hollywire Hot Minute interview with the boys on the tele, but I didn't think they were in Ireland at the time.

"I'm sorry! You had told me how Tara never goes out on Fridays and always hangs out in her dorm. So, I thought it would be a good idea if Niall came over and hung out with her, or took her somewhere. So, I told Zayn to tell him because Niall was pissed at me for intercepting with his last girlfriend, and I do not want a repeat of that," Louis says quickly. I nod my head as I remember saying that, and I silently praise Louis for giving Zayn the idea of telling Niall about the idea of taking Tara out. But right now is horrible.

Tara's POV

Hunter drives down the road a little while and then pulls into a park. I look around and see that hardly anyone is here, which really surprises me since it's such a beautiful day. My eyes light up as I see our picnic is already set up. Hunter laughs as he gets out and comes over to my side. I grab my purse and turn to open the door. Right before my hand reaches the handle, Hunter pulls the door open for me and offers a hand to me. I smile up at him and take it.

"This food looks amazing," I say, as I sit down and look at all the goodies set out.
I see Hunter shrug his shoulders and sit down.

"It's nothing. I wanted to bring a turkey, but George talked me out of it," Hunter jokes. I laugh a little and reposition myself so I can look at him.

"Let's play twenty questions," I say through a mouthful of pasta. Hunter nods his head and takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Okay. Me first," he says, "Where were you born?"

"Dublin, Ireland," I smile. "What's your favorite animal?"

Hunter laughs at my childish question but answers anyway.

"Um, coyote."

This goes on for another hour and a half, before it starts to rain. Hunter and I quickly grab our things and and make a run for the car.

We get there just before we hear the first crack of thunder. I hop in, and I watch as Hunter skips over to his side. I laugh when I see him do a little jig in the rain. I motion for him to get in the car, and he pouts but gets in.

Hunter drives down the road until we are at a river. It is moving very fast, but it looks beautiful nonetheless. I sit down, even though it's still raining and the ground is muddy, and stare out at the horizon. It's a beautiful view. Suddenly, I see something floating in the river. I try to focus my vision better, but it's too small. It starts to unfold and open up to reveal a message.

"Tara James, will you be my girlfriend?" I read aloud. My jaw drops and I turn to Hunter. Hunter is staring at me, his eyes clouded with hope and want. I nod my head.

"Yes!" I say, jumping up and hugging him tightly. He stumbles back but manages to stay on his feet. We sit down, leaning against each other for comfort.

We stay this way for a while, just enjoying the peaceful noise of the rain. I look up at Hunter. He's smiling. He looks down at me.

"I should get you back. Don't want go scare Josie or anything," Hunter jokes. I groan, not wanting this night to end. Hunter laugh and pulls me up. We walk back to his car get in.

Hunter drives a little while until he pulls up to my dorm house. He comes around to my side and opens my door. I take his hand, and I jump down. It's still raining, but we stand there anyway.

"I had a really go-" I say, but am interrupted when Hunter leans in and touches my lips with his. He kisses me slowly and passionately. I kiss him back, with even more passion. Our lips move in sync. I smile against the kiss. Hunter wraps his arms around my waist and starts to sway us back and forth, never parting our lips. He pushes me against the car and starts rubbing my back. His hand goes up my shirt and starts playing with my bra hook. I tense up a bit, and he stops. His tongue grazes the bottom of my lip, asking for entrance. I deny it and slip out of his grasp. I walk to the door and go inside. Something just didn't feel right about what had just happened.

Dumb girl, you're just thinking this 'cause you thought he was going to fuck you right in the parking lot. You like him. You like him a lot, I think. I smile and click the button for the lift. When the doors open, I get in. My face forms a huge smile that keeps growing as I pass the different floors. Gosh! I think I love Hunter!

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