"Don't be petty, idiot. He's acting on instincts as a good mate" Kurama growled in her head. "What are you talking about?"

"His instincts are telling him to provide for you. I could sense back at the grocery store he wanted to hunt an animal in the forest, skin it, cook it and present it to you, but he settled for simply shopping at that store with you instead. Must be because your mark on him is incomplete"

"Okay okay wait, you're saying his mark is incomplete? What's gonna happen when it's completed?"

"I think you already know the answer to that. He becomes your mate for life"

"And might I ask, just how I complete my mark on him?" Naruko remained expressionless on the outside, but on the inside she was feeling giddy.

"Simple. Mate with him. When he releases inside you, you bite the seal and release your chakra into his system"

"Hang on don't I also have to mate with Gaara?"

"Of course you do! Don't think I forget"

"So what?! You expect me to mate with two people?!"

"Or three, maybe four. There is also the Hatake and older Uchiha, but they'll have to wait at least two or three years before they could mate with you. At most you could simply bite their necks and ensure their devotion to you like you did with Sasuke in the beginning. And when you turn fifteen or sixteen, you'll have four mates at your beck and call"

"Kurama! This doesn't feel right! You expect me to mate with Sasuke, Gaara, Kakashi, and Itachi together?! You're a perverted old fox!" She screamed in her mind.

"Don't be whiny. Did I tell you to mate with them all at the same time? No. I'm merely telling you that you'll have more than one mate, it's purely your decision on what you shall do with them" Kurama left out the part where he knows she'll round them all up and have them kissing her feet and hands.

"I-I'm not that kind of girl Kurama" Naruko blushes darkly.

Kurama didn't respond back to her anymore, instead retreating back to the darkest corner of her mind.

"Sasuke, how much longer? I'm starving" Naruko complained. Sasuke sighed "Give me a few more minutes Dobe, I'm almost done" he said.

Naruko smiled. This feels almost domestic. Sasuke with her, cooking them breakfast. He was even wearing an apron!

She wondered, what would it be like if they lived together?


"Hm? What is it? Breakfast ready at last?" She practically salivated. Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Nope but almost" he said. "I wanted to ask you something, and you can say no to it, because this is sudden, and I just thought about it this morning" Sasuke said.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I was wondering what you think of the idea of us living together" there, he finally said it. "I mean, I wanted to know if you want to come live with me, at the Uchiha district. In my house"

Naruko blinked, surprised. He was thinking of the same thing she was wondering about. "You want me...to live with you at your house?" She asked slowly.

Sasuke's cheeks and ears turned even pinker. "I mean yeah, my place has a lot of space. And your apartment is...a little cramped, and kind of old. No offense" he quickly added, hoping not to offend her. "There are benefits to living with me"

"Oh yeah?" Naruko teased. "Like?"

"I'll get to see you every morning, noon, and night" Sasuke thought. "Better living conditions. A wide space, we can split the electricity and water bills, we don't have to buy vegetables and fruits as often because I have a garden and we can grow the vegetables and fruits there" Sasuke listed off. "And I'll let you have access to the training grounds"

"Hmmm, sounds pretty tempting" Naruko hums. She didn't need to be told twice, she already accepted Sasuke's offer as soon as he asked. But she couldn't help teasing him.

"You don't have to give me an answer now. It was just a suggestion"

"Okay, let's live together" Naruko said. Sasuke looked at her in surprise. "Huh?"

"I said I want to live with you. The landlord recently increased the monthly pay, and we haven't had any good missions lately. Plus, I've always wanted to move out of this dump, always wanted to move into a better neighborhood with less horrible neighbors" she said with a gentle smile. "And having you as a roommate? Just a bonus"

Sasuke felt immense relief, and pride, that she agreed.

"You can move in today, I'll help you pack your stuff" Sasuke said.



"Thanks" she beamed at him. "But uhh, seriously is breakfast ready yet? Because I'm reaaaaally starving!"

Future Walker(Fem Naruto x Harem) Where stories live. Discover now