v the confession

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warning: smut in this chapter! smut ahoy! oh god i'm sorry i will never say that again 🔞

at tutoring after the game, every time i say something i catch nate staring intently at my mouth. each time it makes me go bright red. i call him out for it and he says he's just trying to make sure he can pronounce the words right.

"you know, i'm not sure you even need me to tutor you anymore. you're getting really good," i shrug.

"are you breaking up with me?" he pretends to sob and then adds, "you do still need to, you know. i'm still shit. so too bad, tess, you're stuck with me!"

"i can still tutor you if you really want. but, you know, i don't think i even like elijah anymore," i shrug. i watch his reaction closely and while he tries to hide it by pretending to suddenly be very interested in his spanish textbook, his ears prick up and he sounds very excited by this development.

"so you are breaking up with me,"

"fake-breaking up. we can still hang out. i mean, if you would like that," i shrug.

"yes, tess, i would. but, you know," he pauses and looks at me. i gaze into his gorgeous brown eyes.

you know, i never really thought about brown eyes until i looked into his. now i love brown eyes. "i don't know if i like the idea of you not being mine anymore. even if you're just fake-mine. i still much prefer that to you being somebody else's,"

"oh really?" i raise one eyebrow. i can tell he's choosing his words carefully. "you know, you don't own me,"

"i know i don't. but maybe i wish i did," i notice him move a bit closer towards me.

"well, if it makes you feel better, i can be yours and yours alone," i offer. there is nothing i would like more, in fact.

"yes please." he smirks. the next thing i know, we're kissing again.

this would be our third kiss. and dare i say, the best one yet. but honestly they keep just getting better and better. the first one, at his house, was at first very careful and then we got a bit more passionate about it. the second, at elijah's game, it was a bit longing. we hadn't properly talked in so long and we both kind of missed each other. it sort of felt like a reunion kiss. like one of us had just come back from some kind of trip and was returning to the other. this one, it was hot and messy and so passionate.

once again, like our first kiss, his hands found their way back to their normal placement. one on my thigh and one up my top. which i loved. my hands in his hair, i kissed him even deeper. it was such a good kiss. it just felt right.

i took my hands out of his soft hair and wrapped them around his neck as i break the kiss to say, "by the way, my parents are out tonight,"

they're out at my dad's old college friend's 50th, and i also know for a fact that they're staying at a hotel for the night because it's so far away. we stay so close that i'm murmuring into nate's mouth.

"oh really?" he replies. i laugh. "why? do you want to-"

"yes." i nod vigorously, knowing what he is going to say.

"are you sure?" he checks again.

"yes. i am sure."

"i just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing here. could be awkward-" he begins.

"oh. my. god. yes, i want to have sex with you! i can't believe you made me say it out loud," i laugh.

"okay. well, that's good then. because me too!" he presses his lips back onto mine again.

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