Chapter 18: it's that time

Start from the beginning

"We're going to pick her up since your friend Antonio won't be able to pick her up."

I looked at Belle and asked her why. She placed her hand over her mouth and said, "oh shit."

"Belle... what's wrong with him?"

Belle and Camila looked at each other to decide whether they should let me know or not. Camila nodded her head and they sighed defeated. "He is sick, he didn't want to tell you." I sighed in relief and thought something bad had happened to him. "I'll go to his place later." And cook.

Manjit told me Antonio lives off take out most of the time. He really needs a woman by his side at some point; someone that can give him everything, their love, attention and time. I've seen the way Antonio looks at Adi whenever we're together.

He rather looks... jealous and sad that his best friend got a girl. I don't want him to ever feel like he is unattractive because women don't throw themselves at him - maybe they do - that's besides the point. My point is, Antonio needs a woman who can be his rock and ride or die.

Not some girl who will only want him for his money. Adi did tell me that the man is loaded.

Before I go to his place, I have to do some grocery shopping so I can cook something for lunch, dinner and food for Antonio. The girls are gonna have to pick the new girl without me.

I went to my room to change into something comfortable. More like sweats. September is around the corner and it is getting chilly.

"I'll be back." I yelled out then left the house.

It is a good day to walk to the grocery since it is only twenty minutes away. I could use the exercise anyways. Before I left, I made a list of the things I would buy so I won't go over the budget.

I still need to look for a job and finding one isn't that easy but that doesn't mean I didn't apply.

Grocery list:





heavy cream



When I go grocery shopping, I only buy what I need to cook. Now that I am cooking for three, I'm going to start increasing my portions so the food will last for at least a week. Might as well suggest to the girls that we do a meal prep so we won't have to cook every day.

Less cooking, more studying. We need to be smart about our time and make sure we are not behind on everything. We are lucky we don't have to pay for the utilities in the house and only the rent for the house. That's right, we are renting the house.

Just because the owner listed his property as a student housing doesn't mean we don't get to pay for the rent. Our rent starts on the first day of school. September 5. The university gave us the amount of what we have to pay. The owner's monthly total rent is $5,500. There are three rooms, plus one room in the basement. 4 rooms in total.

Since there's four of us, each one of us has to give $343.75 monthly, if we add them all up, we're going to come up with $1,375 and the total will be $5,500. I did the math before I told them how much we're going to take from our pocket.

I even wrote it down on a piece of paper as proof:

Monthly rent: $5,500

People in the house: 4

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