Chapter I: An Unexpected Savior

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I got a nearby book and pointed it at him. I was so freaked out because he didn't look human at all. He had horns on his head and long glowing pale white hair. He was very, very tall and threating looking which only heightened my fear. I didn't know what he was going to do with me or what he planned on doing to me, but I wasn't going to have it, not one bit. 

It was already bad enough I got stuck in that giant stupid forest in the first place, then got held captive in twisty vines, and now face to face with some alien like being, gosh can this day get any weirder?

My savior looked shocked at my sudden display of fear and defense. I don't think he comprehended why I was acting so weird all of a sudden. He tilted his head and got on his hands and knees to crawl closer to me, he sniffed me a bit, I think he smelt my fear and adrenaline. He backed away and stood up, reaching his massive height again. He looked down and into my eyes with concern in his eyes as he tried to do something.

He reached to his throat and opened his mouth, I think he was trying to talk, except nothing came out of him. I looked him up and down curiously and skeptically as I put the book down and crossed my arms.

"So, what's the problem, you can't talk?"

I then think about how I just said that...I might've sounded too harsh and cruel...I dismiss it and worry about the issue at hand. My savior looks at me helplessly as he nods slowly.

"So, then like, do you know sign language, or something?"

I asked in a now more carrying tone, so I don't sound like I'm judging him. He looks around as if he thought about what I said for a moment and shook his head. Damn, how did his parents even talk to him? So, I shrug and step closer to him, my arms still crossed.

"Well, I guess you at least know what I'm saying, right?" I tilt my head a bit to my shoulder and smile sweetly.

My savior nods slowly. I started to feel bad for him, the poor thing didn't have a voice to speak his mind, yet he still tried communicating with me.

"Do you think you have the capability to speak one day?" I ask.

He seems to think about it for a good long while, until he then nods. I look him up and down again as I walk next to him.

"Well, how about we try something...I want you to push from your gut and use your vocal cords, to push a sound out."

My savior looks as if he's processing the thought for a moment, he then does as so. He stands up and pulls deeply from his gut and pushes through his vocal cords. He opens his mouth and lets out a squeak.

"Well, that's a start!" I clap my hands together and laugh sweetly.

I see a smile form on him as he looks away bashfully. I then sit on the couch-like object and cross my legs while looking at him hopefully. I feel like me and him are going to go a long way. He then looks towards me and cuddles up next to me. He's a towering guy if you look from a distance but as soon as he's next to you, you feel microscopic. I slowly reach my hand out to touch him, not sure how he was going to react with it. I place my hand on his back and stroke him gently. He then looked at me curiously as started smiling weakly. He put his head back in my lap and closed his eyes.

This was new to me, and I didn't know if I was going home anytime soon. Might as well make the best of it while I'm here. Plus, I think I'm beginning to like this guy, he's not half bad once you get to start knowing him, he's kind of a sweetheart. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment of peace.

After a while, I got to working with him on getting him to start speaking, he looked a bit hesitant to do so at first until I told him that everything was going to be okay, did he start feeling comfortable with the notion. It was new to him, and I could tell by his behavior that he didn't like the idea of new things. I laughed it off and gave him some encouragement and soon enough he started speaking full sentences.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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