Chapter 3-Sleep Beside Me

Start from the beginning

Is this why he had been vehemently opposed to sharing a quilt with her? She just thought it was because he didn't consider her his wife or was just simply not fond of her. " I will get water from the well" Lanhua was engrossed in her thoughts.. Just know when he told me not to touch his leg, it was out of embarrassment, wasn't it? Maybe he isn't that bothered by me after all. I should be more patient with him. She used up all her energy to fill a bucket from the well in the backyard. She warmed up some water to make the temperature better and fetched some soap and silk towels from the spring bath. There was no dearth of luxury in the spring bath it smelled like roses. She carried everything to his bedside he was able to gather what she had been thinking. She soaked a towel in the warm water bucket, added some soap to it and said,

 "Can you take off your robe? It still has blood stains on it" he looked at her extremely hesitantly, did this girl feel no shame?

"It's not because I want to admire your body. It's so you don't look like you have just worked in the tea fields. Please be mature."

He was tempted by the warm water, and he desired to be clean. He took his robe off and closed his eyes, partially out of shame, partially because he didn't want to look into her eyes. He could feel her soft hands glide over his cold skin. She was gentle, and the towel was warm. Lanhua noticed his eyes were closed she found his relaxed face pleasant to look at. She couldn't believe her eyes as to how he could look like the gods had chiselled his face from amber if only he treated her with some warmth. Well, it's not like she was going to stick around here for too long, but at the very least, before going home, she wanted to help him get back on his feet. Her nail scratched him while she was lost in thought. She quickly rubbed that area with her palm. " my apologies, it didn't hurt, right?" he blinked, expressing he was fine.

" Your pants," she said. Xian opened his eyes and looked at her like a statue. "Take them off and clean yourself while I go to the kitchen... I have already cleaned your upper body, so-." she was interrupted by a brisk "Okay, go". She handed him the towel and gave him privacy.

Instead of going to the kitchen, she started exploring other parts of his house. The study was the most intriguing of all. This room had escaped her when she had hurriedly explored the house on day one. The room was brimming with manuscripts. It had a sturdy bamboo door and a window facing the garden, comfortable seating and a sandalwood smell. She had smelled that accent faintly from Xian when she woke up next to him. She looked around and picked up a few books, she was extremely excited about how she could read this new language she never even learnt. She used the books the get an idea of the customs and history of the new world she lived in. She had assumed this world was set in a fictitious period loosely based on 600-900AD China. All she knew about Chinese history was from Cdramas and the history of China she studied in school many moons ago, but she still had a lot of knowledge that could prove helpful nonetheless. This timeline was relatively straightforward, but she had no information on the ruling dynasty, and since this world was mostly fictional, actual historical events wouldn't be very relevant.

The body she was in also had a history she was unaware of, looking at the dainty figure and soft hands this girl had never worked a day in her life. Aneila's hands in her actual form were very similar, so she knew exactly what she was talking about, although, in the real world, her hands would easily get chapped from doing the dishes once; in this world, despite all the cleaning and labour she had done her skin was soft as ever. She took this moment to think about everything that had happened and decided to plan ahead. How was she going to go back to the real world? This was all fun and games for the first few hours, but now that she had some time to sit by herself, she started to miss her friends and family back home. She was even craving chocolate. She gathered her thoughts. Okay, what do I know about these kinds of isekai stories? From what she had read when people transmigrate into stories or video games in fictional novels of the genre, the book sends them back into the real world after their character reaches a certain point in the plot or after a particular objective in the story is achieved. Her problem was unique. She hadn't actually read the book before falling asleep, so she wasn't sure where she had to take the plot to escape this novel. She was certain that helping her new 'husband.' was one of her character's main objectives. She realised that she would have to be extremely observant and resourceful from here on. She would have to figure some things out as the story progresses.

She had to start somewhere and needed to ensure she had some finances. Money was required as she needed to go shopping for some clothes and other necessities, some more herbs, and groceries so she could make something other than rice. In an effort to put away the mess she had made, she collected the books and put them back on the bookshelf. Lanhua's foot hit something on the ground, and she noticed a sheathed sword. Her husband must be the owner of this sword she was becoming more and more certain that he was not just an ordinary scholar. From the dramas she had seen, she could tell what lay by her feet was no ordinary sword. She knew she had to start by gaining his trust so she could find out more about him and the plot of this novel. The sooner she did this, the faster she could go back home. She had to make a move and break the ice with him. She grabbed a book about values for women and made her way to the bedroom.

Xian heard her footsteps as she walked back, and she announced that she was coming in. Lan Hua saw that Xian looked clean, and his skin was pale yet glowing.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Thank you for your assistance."

"I found a few interesting books in your study."

" Are you able to read?"

"I just like the smell of books." she chuckled playfully  " I also like reading them," she added. "I must have been a noble lady before the villagers found me... I suppose, as your wife, I still remain one." She continued. " I know you don't know anything about me, but I really don't remember anything from before I woke up next to you; my muscle memory remains intact. I see glimpses of myself doing certain things and wearing certain clothes. I am certain I was educated and lived comfortably, for my hands are soft, and I don't think I did chores regularly. Maybe I was the daughter of a minister. All i know is that if i was found unconscious in the reservoir, I must have been running from something, and the fact that I am here means I succeeded in escaping whatever it was." she said a lot in one breath. In an effort to strike up a conversation with him and break the ice, she might have unintentionally let out some bottled-up emotions because her eyes started to tear up.

"One day, I fell asleep and just woke up as your wife, and I am sure you didn't hurt the person I used to I will give you my word Li Xian I will be good to you because I have no one else."

A few clear droplets of tears almost rolled down her sweet face. She immediately wiped them and smiled at him. It was true. After all, she had no one else here; she wasn't even sure if she had him. She might have had the intention to sway him with some display of emotions, but somewhere along her little 'bit', her actual feelings slipped out. She really had no ill intentions for Xian. Perhaps she had gotten lucky because if Xian sensed any type of pretentiousness, he would have unwaveringly distanced himself from her; he could tell when her actual emotions slipped into the conversation.

He put his hand on his chest and propped himself up. "I don't know if I can help you, Lan Hua." This one sentence made a stream of tears flow down her colourless cheeks, but she smiled; she exclaimed, " I will help you." She said simple words, but her resolve was evident.

" I am but a simple scholar."

"Then I will be a simple wife."

She wiped her face and moved her shaky hand, wet from tears, to hold his hand. Praying that he would somehow feel her sincerity, she looked directly into his eyes. This woman had broken down some of his walls with her sincerity. His life so far had given him plenty of reason not to trust people anymore, but there was something about the intensity of her words and the earnestness in her actions he felt was a crime to ignore. After all, she had only known him for a day but had gone above and beyond to tend to him; she even fainted in doing so. He stayed silent for a minute. Lan Hua moved her hand to his forehead to check if he had a fever. "You aren't running a fever, thank heavens...I really must go find another quilt for myself I shouldn't steal yours." she moved her hand away from his only to feel a cold hand grab her wrist. "Just sleep beside me", she blushed a little noticing the sudden tint in her face, he explained further- "This quilt is the warmest. Otherwise, you will catch a cold so just use this I wont complain." she couldn't help but smile. She was unsure why, but she was happy. His simple gesture made her feel like she had gotten closer to him.

Xian couldn't help but find this girl fascinating. She wore her heart on her sleeve and made big promises. Lan Hua was indeed the most interesting woman he had met, and now she was his wife. 

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