Chapter 2- Sound of Fate

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Chapter 2- Sound of Fate

Two older ladies exclaimed, looking at her young miss. You are awake, thank heavens!

Aneilia was surprised that she understood what they said. She replied, saying thank you, and to her surprise, they understood what she was saying. Maybe since the novel was fictional, after all, any language disparity in this world must have been accounted for, or maybe it was because she had been reading the English translation. Young miss, how is young master Li? The other lady interrupted the woman "Jie the girl was obviously overwhelmed. She must be so confused finding herself in a new place surrounded by strangers" You are right.. we are sisters, Du Ming and Du ha we are the daughters of the local Herbalist, and were tasked by the village elders to take care of you and Yong master Li. Aneilia gulped; the reality of being stuck in a novel was sinking in more and more, so she started to look pale with the blood in her body freezing up.

They told her that the villagers found her unconscious by the medicine reservoir when they had been seeking a special herb to heel Scholar Li. Her arrival and subsequent discovery were described as serendipitous, a blessing from the heavens to save their village's beloved scholar. 2 days ago, she had been wedded to the Scholar as a Chong Xi marriage. 

To Anelia's knowledge, chong xi was a superstitious custom of trying to override misfortune with an auspicious event. The sisters revealed that the village elders saw her arrival as a sign of good fortune, choosing her to marry the young scholar in hopes of reversing his ill fate. The young scholar was a great asset to the village. Since his arrival, he had been teaching the children in the village and helping the village heads resolve all sorts of practical and political problems. He had helped them create a system to store rainwater for agriculture he helped with documenting tax collection. He had arrived in this village merely over a year ago with his loyal servant and had already established his position amongst the village elders. There was no doubt he was of noble descent based on how he conducted himself.

 A lot of the young village girls were smitten by his looks and had asked to be married to him, but their families were against letting their daughters marry an ailing man of unknown origin. Xian had the king's scholarly seal, cementing his status as a former palace scholar. He was definitely of noble status, but he had requested the villager not to probe for his background as his illness had forced him to forget the life he once led. The village elders had respected his wishes. He was a kind-hearted man who never exploited anyone. He always shared his wealth for the betterment of the villagers and their children. He even always spoke up against the tyrannical governor who would occasionally visit the village and rob their produce. Naturally, the villagers wanted to do everything possible for this young man; he was indispensable to them.

For a moment, Aneilia froze in her mind as she grappled with the surreal reality of her situation. Despite the initial excitement and disbelief surrounding the situation she also felt a resistance to the idea of being married off to a stranger, even if he is remarkably attractive. She realised he didn't know how long she would be stuck in this world to make matters worse, she barely knew anything about how the plot was to unfold. She had subconsciously suppressed all her worries, dismissing the situation to only be temporary. Realizing she had little choice in her immediate circumstances, She resolved to navigate this unfamiliar world with caution and curiosity.

The woman asked her if she remembered anything, and she told them honestly she didn't; they told her that she was in and out of consciousness and she had mentioned her name was Lan Hua. She might have just said her real name, which was misunderstood by them she wasn't sure. They accompanied her to the bed chamber, where they saw the young master's complexion had improved. Apparently, he had awoken for 3 minutes after two days of being unconscious, seconds after the marriage ritual was complete, solidifying the superstitious elder's belief in the Chong xi ritual. The women had brought a herbal concoction, and some rice pudding. They also had a little jade lotus and silver coins which had been a wedding gift to them from their family. The ladies handed the jade sculpture to Lan Hua and bid farewell to her, hoping she could tend to her husband. She accepted the gift as she was uncertain of the financial situation here and knew that even in the modern world, there was a belief that the blessings of an elder should always be warmly received, especially if they are monetary. On behalf of my husband and Myself, I am honoured to accept these. After the ladies left, she heard some rustling from the bed and saw the figure who was sleeping like a log finally open his eyes.

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