Chapter 1- Get To The Point

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Chapter 1- This author needs to get to the point

Aneilia had just handed in a research paper on the therapeutic effects of caffeine after staying awake for 26 hours and drinking two cans of no-sugar Ultra energy drinks to finish this assignment. She finished it last minute but had no doubt that the quality of her work was impeccable; leaving her work until the deadline became dangerously close was a bad habit of hers, but one that got her good results for her best work was always produced under stress. Looking at the clock, the time was 12:45 PM. She had no energy to do anything but wanted to stay awake till 7 pm at least in order to fix her already damaged sleep schedule. She decided to do her favourite thing to escape reality, read a manhua but the manhua updated only to reveal that the story was on hiatus. Aneilia simply decided to just find the source material of the manhua, a popular light novel but whilst she did that, she stumbled on a new trending story called Between Two Worlds.

The premise was up her alley, historical romance fiction with a male lead whose description reminded her of Dylan Wang. She decided to read it instead. The preface of the story had some long, boring idioms like " A stream that flows through a willow field is as damaging an axe to a tree" She was confused by what the author was trying to say: "The sun rises for no one it is the people who rise for the sun" she continued reading and thought to herself that this author needs to get to the point. Exasperated and scrolling hurriedly, she skipped to chapter 1 but as the loading screen appeared, she thought to rest her eyes for only a moment. She had fallen asleep. The hours of toiling for that damn assignment had taken a toll on her. This circumstance was beyond her control, so she gave in It was not like she had anything to do for the next few days.

Aneilia woke up abruptly due to a sharp pain in her chest. She knew all those energy drinks were bad for her, and her parents and friends always warned her to fix her sleep schedule. She thought her poor treatment of her health in the name of academics had finally caught up to her.

She opened her eyes and jumped a little. She had been lying next to a breathtakingly handsome young man whose pale, flawless skin reminded her of a clear mountain stream. His beauty was striking, almost ethereal; he looked like a C-drama actor. "Have I died and come to heaven?" She looked around, extremely confused and disoriented. She saw her reflection in an ornamental vase kept next to her. She was no longer in her own body but had assumed the form of a young Chinese girl. "Why am I Chinese in heaven?" looking at her own new surprised Pikachu face she realised something had gone wrong; maybe she had really lost her mind. 

This new body mirrored her original self in height and hair; the essence of her beauty remained unchanged as she didn't feel she had become prettier or uglier. She considered this girl just as average-looking as she considered herself in the real world, bridging her past and present self seamlessly. She sighed, thinking, "Damn, even in my fever dream, I don't get to be devastatingly beautiful?". She had read one too many transmigration novels and had an inclining that something similar had happened to her. She remembered sleeping as soon as she started reading a novel and thought maybe she had somehow entered the world of that very novel but she had a huge disadvantage of not actually knowing anything about the plot. She was more or less sure the man lying next to her was her husband since they were both wearing wedding robes. Her survival instincts were high even in the real world, so naturally, she decided to explore the house she was in. She gently got out of the quilt without disturbing the figure lying next to her; she assumed he was unwell from his complexion, so she let him sleep.

The house was big and clean with a huge central courtyard, an attached spring bath, a small garden and a big kitchen; looking at the ancient Chinese stove and kitchen equipment, she was confused about how she would use any of it, but as she tried to explore more and started firing up the large clay stove, thoughtlessly she seemed to have a faint memory of using these things in the past, this was not her memories were they the memories of the original owner of the body? She attributed it to muscle memory and made her way back to the bedroom. This house was definitely a noble's, but howcome there were no maids or servants or even guards? She saw the man was still unconscious. He seemed like he was severely unwell, yet through his pallor, his good looks shined. She thought maybe she should make a warm glass of milk for him or something as she was lost in her thoughts, she heard sounds from the courtyard. She made her way towards the noise and realised, "I don't speak Mandarin, no subtitles also ah...aiya, I am done for."  

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