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"Delivery for Ivan Winchester?" A familiar voice called after his captor had answered the door.

"Delivery? I didn't order anything." He could almost picture the man's confused face while he tried to hold back a chuckle.

Of course, his brother would know how to make an appearance.

"Oh, that's too bad." The voice replied, followed by a sharp sound and his kidnapper falling flat on his back, unconscious. "Oops."

His tone was sarcastic as he let himself into the room, taking off his Domino's hat. His dedication to following up with an unnecessary lie was inspirational.

Casimiro watched as the smug smile he wore morphed into a frown when he saw his appearance. He didn't think he looked that bad.

"What the fuck did he do to you?" The idiot harshly ripped the tape from his mouth, allowing him to breathe well. "Put some ice on this cheek as soon as you get home."

His rough handling was not making the pain any easier to endure.

"I thought you weren't going to show up," Casi grumbled while he tried to untie him. He never doubted that he would be saved.

He had more faith in his brother than he had in God Himself. Well, that was understandable as he wasn't religious, to begin with.

"You're an idiot. How'd you let that skinny thing get you so easily?" He rolled his eyes at his mother's incarnate.

"I was caught off guard, Yin. Calm down." It still did not remove the frown from Alejandro's face as he helped him up.

"You're still an idiot," he said, eyeing the awfully small dorm room. "For a student so basic, he's got guts."

Alejandro was right.

The room looked like a prison. He would be claustrophobic if he lived there and now that he could breathe properly, already felt like throwing up.

"What did you do to him anyway?" Alejandro asked casually, stepping over the unconscious man.

"I have no idea." Casi caught his head in his palms.

He felt sore.

"He fucked you up pretty bad. Should I take you to the hospital or something—" Alejandro was interrupted by a soft groan emitting from Ivan as he lay on the floor.

The older twin swung his heel at the back of his head, ensuring he was out cold again.

"—I'll get Luca to get rid of him," he said and Casimiro shook his head.

He wasn't worth the trouble.

"Nah, it's fine." He grimaced at the taste of blood in his mouth. He just needed to go home and sleep. "Just drive me to my bike? It's in front of the library."

His statement made his older brother laugh, his pearly white teeth mocking him. He had some diamonds once... Before he swallowed them.

"You? In a library after exams? Don't fuck with me," Alejandro said as they made their way out of the rickety building and to his modest Audi.

"I like doing research sometimes, you know? And surgery is getting really difficult." He confessed, sliding into the passenger's seat and strapping on his seatbelt. He knew his brother well enough that he'd go batshit crazy if he didn't put it on.

A loud crash sounded behind him and he looked through the window to see Alejandro smashing a car's mirrors with the windshield wiper that he had broken off and he chuckled.

He took his time in denting the car door and rear lights as well.

Alejandro just jogged across the road and joined him in the car, onlookers wordlessly watching.

Casimiro doubted anyone would report. If they did, Ivan would need to explain kidnapping him in the first place.

"There. He won't fuck with you anymore." He frowned at the specks of blood on Alejandro's knuckles as he wrapped his fingers around the steering.

Oh well.

"Now what's this bullshit about you going to the library? The semester is already over," he said, putting the car into motion.

"I'm collecting reference material. I just need some titles so I can send them to Uncle Miguel and ask if he has them..." Casimiro trailed off with a frown, the bastard had disrupted his evening.

"I don't know why you didn't pick an easier program—" he cut his brother off with a groan.

"Ah, shut up. Unlike you, some people actually want to do something with themselves career-wise."

To his annoyance, Alejandro just nodded with a small smile still on his lips. "Right, because I can't do anything with a degree in politics."

The road to the library was fairly quiet, with most Cambridge students gone for the holiday.

"I just remembered— I got a call from Aunt Rebecca..." Casimiro groaned at the mention of another family member.

He knew what they wanted.

Is she back from America?

"She wants us to come over to Spain for Easter. Uncle Varo too," Alejandro said to him, his eyes still fixed on the road.

"You go. I have things to do here. You know, school and shit."

His brother sighed, obviously not buying any of it.

"It's the Easter break for a reason, Mu. You haven't seen dad and the family in a whole year. You can't keep stalling."

He huffed at the truth in his brother's words.

"I saw Uncle Varo two months ago," he interjected and Alejandro waved him off.

"That doesn't count. Uncle always visits us." Alejandro was right. Again.

"Then why can't dad do the same? You can't tell me he is as busy as Uncle Varo."

Luckily, it shut Alejandro up.

Alvaro was busy with his campaigns for the position of the president of government in Spain but still had time for them and Aurora.

Tobias on the other hand rarely contacted them since he was released from prison and when he did, Casimiro was conveniently unavailable.

"Fuck, I'm hungry." He said, watching a rugby player munch on a hotdog as they drove by.

"I would have invited you for dinner but you don't like Pierre," The older twin said, driving off the side of the road so he could park well.

He studied Alejandro's focused expression before speaking.

"I don't like his manipulating ass. He's trying to get you to move to France for fuck's sake. What's there to like about him?" Casimiro complained and Alejandro pinched the bridge of his nose.

He hated Pierre almost as much as he hated their father's incompetence.

"I haven't decided yet—"

"Well, you seem like you're considering it. You haven't even introduced the cato dad," He shrank back for a moment when Alejandro's head snapped towards him.

He knew his brother hated it when he disrespected his boyfriend but he couldn't help it. The fancy French-speaking man was a snake.

"You care about me introducing him to Dad? The same dad you don't even acknowledge?" Alejandro laughed humourlessly. "Stop fucking with me and get out of my car."

"Fuck you," He childishly called as he slammed the car door shut.

"Fuck off."

He fumed with anger as he threw his helmet over his head. At least his bike was not stolen even with the key in its place.

As he climbed it and started the engine, Alejandro zoomed past him.

"Fucking idiot with his anger issues."

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