one / inconspicuous posters

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you teach me how to behave,
i felt you question the way
i was brought up as a baby
well, you don't know a fuck about my family!

seventeen, the family jewels.
marina, 2O1O.

 marina, 2O1O

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APRIL 20.  8:00 AM


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Reckless, irresponsible, stupid—

Shut up.

Riyan sighed, running his hand through his curls. He couldn't turn back. Not when he had convinced himself, yesterday, to step out. He couldn’t back out now.

Not now, not ever.

Glancing both ways down the hallway once more, he stepped up to the pin board. Flyers and posters of the multiple clubs were stuck to the board, with pin tacks or dried out tape. One poster was hanging on for its dear life, tilted at an awkward angle. Riyan just had to find space for his.

Twisting the pin tack between his fingers, he surveyed the board diligently, as if he hadn’t been doing so for the past 10 minutes. There were only 10 minutes to class, and he had never been late in his 3 years of attending Ilfreycombe High.

The poster in his book bag had to be inconspicuous enough, but with some luck, attract at least one or two people to join his cause. His eyes scanned the board for such a spot, and then darted above to the clock.

Tick, tock, tick, tock…

Another sigh. He had to do it.

With another deep breath, Riyan took the poster out of his bag, and placed it against the board, smushed against two other posters for extracurriculars he wouldn’t dare to take under his parents’ supervision. 

The pin tack, with its cool metal tip, rolling against the pads of his fingers, would go on top, sticking the poster to the board.

7 minutes, His mind supplied helpfully,

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