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I slam the door open my gold eyes glaring right into his
Let's make a deal
He sticks his hands out all of a sudden a gush of wind hits me hard I stand my ground not flinching a bit
"What kind...I'm not selling my soul ?" I raise my eye brows putting my hands on hips
"Not for your soul silly girl...tell everyone you are Lilith" he smiles at with a closed eye grin
"Huh...what why...?"
Pretending I'm Lilith isn't what I was expecting but okay....
"Ah ah ah I couldn't possibly tell you that...just yet"
"Why should I believe you even know where she's at..?"
Alastor summons his staff taping it  "hello hello"
"𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣?"
A stotic voice familiar to my mother speaks from the staff
"Nothing your majesty only  (y/n) would like to speak to you"
The hallway goes silent
"MO-" before I can get a word in Alastors staff disappears
"So do we have a deal?" he says putting his hand out once more that shit eating grin wider then before
This is probably not a good idea but what's the worse that could happen...right
I grab his hand shaking it voodoo signs appear around his body and the ceiling turns green and looks like it's gonna break through.
After a few minutes the room turns back to normal
"Let's go Princess seems like you have some explaining to do"
I walk down the hallway stopping at a mirror to fix my hat.... Until Alastors stops me... "you should probably put on this he snaps his fingers and a replica of my moms gown and her crown and jewelry appear on me replacing my older clothes I huff fixing my posture and slicking my hair back to match our mother and start to follow Alastor.

I walk down the stairs nervously to see Charlie sitting at husks bar what should I even say...she's gonna hate me after it tell her this why am I even saying this anyways...go to put on my best Lilith impression
Charlie turn around dropping her glass she had in her hand
"(Y/n) why are you dressed like mom?"

"It's because I am her"

Like mother like daughter (hazbin x reader/oc x helluva)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat