They took their tea's and sat on the bench swing in the garden, careful to open and close the door quietly. Fred lit them both a cigarette once they had placed their cups down. As George took the cigarette from Fred's fingers he laughed again.

"Do I have something on my face?" Fred joked.

"Nah, just something on your neck." George laughed, poking the hickey on Fred's neck. "Have fun in the hot tub last night?" He asked knowingly. Fred's face dropped slightly, had they woken people up? How did George know they had been in the hot tub?

"Did you hear us?" Fred asked slightly concerned.

"Nothing fun, don't worry." George chuckled. "Bandit was climbing all over me wanting a cuddle. Woke up a little, heard you both giggling and the jets." He explained.

"Oh, okay. Good." Fred chuckled.

"You wanna tell me?" George teased. "And don't tell me nothing, I saw you all handsy last night. And i saw that scratch on your back. I know damn well something happened." He chuckled and took a drag of his cigarette.

"We didn't have sex." Fred dismissed

"No shit sherlock." George scoffed. "Did you finger her?" He in hushed excitement. Fred shook his head, no. "Eat her out?" George asked. Fred shook his head again. "Fuck sake. Words Freddie. Details." George demanded. "I'm excited for you." He added proudly, in a weird brotherly way. Fred looked at him for a moment as he smoked and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not getting out of telling you everything, am I?" Fred asked plainly.

"Fuck no." George chuckled. "C'mon have a bit of pride, man." He laughed. Fred sighed and laughed slightly.

"I had her get herself off on my thigh," Fred started.

"Well that's isn't what I was expecting." George chuckled, blowing smoke as he laughed.

"She got me off," Fred continued.

"How?" George smirked. "She suck you?"

"No, no... She used her hands." Fred chuckled.

"Good?" George questioned. Fred nodded wideeyed, letting out a dramatic sigh.

"Very fucking good." Fred admitted. "If I didn't know her, I'd have thought she'd done it before. A lot."

"Fuck off, really?" George asked shocked.

"Really." Fred chuckled. "Both hands. Massaging my balls, over my tip. The lot."

"So she wasn't all nervy and shy?" George asked happily.

"At moments, but most of the time she was confident." Fred smiled.

"Thats not all that happened?" George smirked.

"No." Fred chuckled and took a drag of his cigarette. "Had her over one of the jets." He said cheekily.

"Yeah, I don't blame you." George chuckled. "Surprised she didn't have you over one." He joked. Fred gave him a guilty look, side eying him slightly, and he blushed recalling just how much he whined over that jet. "You feral little shit." George laughed.

"I lost it a bit, okay? She looked so good over it, watching her just completely let go. Had me grinding on her ass while she got off on it. Once she told me to try, I fucking had to." Fred defended as he laughed.

"Did you come in the fucking tub?" George asked laughing.

"No, I was on the ledge each time I came." Fred chuckled.

"Each time. How much juice did you have in the tank Fred?" George joked.

"Three loads." Fred admitted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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