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Fred had been awake for a while. It was just starting to get light, the warm glow of sunlight creeping through the edges of the curtains. But he couldn't take his eyes off Riley. She was laying on her side, cuddled into his chest, Bandit curled up in her hair that was gathered above her head.

They had came inside last night just as the final credits were rolling of the film that had been playing when they left. They'd maybe gotten a little carried away in the hottub last night, they didn't go all the way (or very far at all) but they had definitely been a whole lot more comfortable than either had expected. Once they were inside Fred had made Riley take a Conception Potion, claiming that he knew it was unlikely, because they didn't have sex, but he would rather be safe than sorry since they had been grinding on each other when he'd came. She drank it agreeing, silently loving how responsible he had been, and made a mental note to find the book with the recipe in it.

He had Riley lay down and wait for him while he put Jurassic Park on, they made it maybe ten minutes into the movie before Riley dozed off, Fred not long after her. Not that he had been watching it, he was too distracted by her. Just like he was now.

It almost made his heart ache, how much he loved her. He hadn't thought he could love her anymore than he already did, but each day he was mistaken and he fell for her more and more. But last night, after they both found their release, he'd held her close, he'd felt her. She was pumping out her emotions without realising she was. In those few moments that he was feeling what she was, she loved him. Her heart ached the way his does. He couldn't help the question in his head. Did she feel like that because of the moment or does she feel like that all the time? But then he remembered what Remus had said, about her knowing he loved her, is that why she knows? Because she recognises how she felt, in him?

Either way he didn't mind. He didn't really care if it was just the moment. He loved her with everything he was. And that was all that mattered.

George broke him from his thoughts as he turned over, stiring awake. Fred chuckled when his twin got a facefull of Riley's hair, but instead of George moving back, he moved closer to her, slinging his arm over her as he curled around her.

He's gonna shit himself when he wakes up.

Fred smiled as he looked back down to Riley, his fingers twirling a strand of her hair. The girl had a small sleepy smile on her face as she was wedged between the twins, both cuddled up to her, even if one wasn't aware it was happening.

George groaned quietly, he nose twitching as Riley's hair tickled it, and his eyes shot open. It took him a moment for his eyes to focus. But when they did he saw Fred, resting his head on his hand and propped up on his elbow, trying not to laugh.

"Comfy, Georgie?" Fred whispered.

George looked confused until he looked where his arm was, firmly around Riley's waist with his chest pressed to her back.

"Shit." George cursed quietly as he removed his arm from the girl. He shuffled back slowly, careful not to wake her. "Sorry, mate." He apologies.

"You only just moved there." Fred dismissed.

George moved out of the bed carefully, not wanting to wake anyone else. He stood up and rolled his shoulders slightly.

"Tea?" George asked softly.

Fred nodded and smiled thankfully. Once George left the room Fred began slowly untangling his legs from Riley's. As he stood up he tucked the blanket around her and scooped Bandit up from her hair. The girl hummed softly and brought her knees up as she cuddled the pillow.


Fred chuckled slightly and trailed off into the kitchen after George. They didn't say much, George just looking at him here and there and chuckled whilst shaking his head, as Fred mixed Bandit's bottle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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