Extra, extravagant and voiceless.

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I was never deemed as the daughter my mum wanted, my "dear" mother had wished to raise her child to become a miniature her. That I was not.

She wanted me to be extra, extravagant and most definitely voiceless. That's who she was and she made it very clear she was proud of it, I had always admired her for that when I was younger! Not anymore though, although I couldn't go a day without her degrading me, my looks were the main topic a lot of the time.

When I was younger I had bright blonde hair, I was tiny and had chubby cheeks. Now I am quite tall but not tall enough when people had to tilt their head upwards to speak to me, quite curvy and brunette.

My mum knew I couldn't help it but the way my body looked was why she claimed I wanted male attention. Which is quite ironic coming from her who had cheated on my father multiple times and then obliviated him so he wouldn't find out.

Both of my parents were half-bloods both went to "hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry" and both used their magical knowledge differently.

My dad was most likely the smartest man I'd ever known! He was the top student when he was at hogwarts. He is currently in Portugal studying and reviewing the lifestyles of foreign dragons!

Isn't that such a wonderful way to work!?

My mum on the other hand used her knowledge for her own physical gain, whatever she wanted she would get it with herself. I swear every week my "lovely" mother brings back a new man-whore into our home.

In the easiest way to put it - she disgusts me. She is a horrible mother and I wouldn't wish that on my own enemy.

Not that I even have one since no one even knows me aside from Adeline.

August 20th 1998.

I got an acceptance letter from hogwarts in the post exactly 2 weeks ago! I had most of the equipment list already accumulated - you know having magical parents and all that. The only thing I didn't have was a pet to bring and a cauldron.

I'd probally just bring my own cat "Adeline" anyways as my mum doesn't even look after her. And my mum probally have a dusty ancient looking cauldron stored in the attic somewhere.

When my dad got informed he would travel to Portugal for his job he bought stacks of magic learning books so I could revise on the year's I'd missed at hogwarts!

If I'm entirely honest I have read every book - line for line, word for word - around 25 or more times!

It has been three years since I last had any sign of contact with my father. I learnt early on not to get my hopes up regularly... my thoughts about what happened to my dad are quite simple and easy to understand.

He is either dead, choosing not to communicate with me or lastly: locked away in Azkaban. Although I highly doubt he'd do anything that discpicable.

( You never do quite understand someone's thought process.)

Back to the letter I received from my new school! My mum doesn't exactly know I'm going yet.

And I'd like it to stay that way!


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter even though it was quick a small short one! I am sorry to have written it so short but I already knew what I wanted to put into chapter 2 so I had to fill it in before the storyline.

This book is set in the golden trio era and Tom is also in the timeline since his character was originally from the '40s!

The will be NO voldermort. He was killed in 4th year by Harry which therefore means the battle of hogwarts didn't actually happen. (Sorry I didn't put it in the intro, I forgot)

Thank you all for reading this chapter, I will try and publish the next one very soon my angels.


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