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"Oi! You can't park there!"

Azure ignored the voice coming her way, grabbing her bag from her passenger seat then getting out of her car and walking towards the training center.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

Azure kept her pace steady, her eyes fixed ahead as she approached the entrance to the training center. The voice calling out to her grew louder, more insistent, but she refused to acknowledge it, refusing to let anything or anyone disrupt her focus.

"Oi! Are you deaf or something?" The voice was closer now, its tone tinged with annoyance and frustration. Azure could feel the woman's presence behind her, their footsteps echoing in the empty space.

With a deep breath to steady her nerves, Azure finally turned to face the source of the commotion.

Of course, it was her.

She had recognized her accent as soon as she had started talking.

"Why do you care? You're already parked, Katie." Azure sighed, looking down at the smaller girl.

"You're gonna get towed, dumbass. Saying it for your sake, not mine," Katie replied, her tone sharp and biting. She crossed her arms over her chest, her expression showing clear annoyance.

Azure rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to snap back with a biting retort. She knew Katie meant well, even if her delivery left much to be desired.

"I'll take my chances," Azure replied nonchalantly, her voice laced with defiance. She turned away from Katie, resuming her journey towards the training center.


Azure stopped in her tracks, her shoulders tense as she turned to face Katie once more. There was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, a wariness born of years of distrust and betrayal.

"What?" Azure asked, her tone guarded yet curious. She couldn't help but wonder what Katie wanted from her, what could possibly be so important that she felt the need to stop her in her tracks.

"We need to talk about what you did yesterday," Katie said, her voice low and serious. There was a steely edge to her tone, a hint of warning that sent a shiver down Azure's spine.

Azure's jaw clenched as she braced herself for the impending confrontation. She knew exactly what Katie was referring to, and knew that her actions had not gone unnoticed by her new teammates. But she wasn't about to back down, wasn't about to apologize for being true to herself, no matter how much it ruffled feathers.

"I didn't do anything," Azure said, and Katie scoffed.

"You would've if Kim and I hadn't interfered. Laura just-"

"Laura fucking touched me. You touch me, you pay the price." Azure's words hung in the air like a challenge, a silent dare for Katie to challenge her authority.

Katie's jaw tightened, her eyes flashing with anger as she took a step closer to Azure. The air crackled with electricity, a storm brewing on the horizon as the two women faced off against each other.

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, Rockwell. But-"

"Oh, you fucking know what's wrong with me." Azure interrupted Katie, a wry laugh escaping her lips. "Everybody fucking knows what's fucking wrong with me, don't they?" She yelled, throwing her arms in the hair. "Don't pretend you don't, Katie. Just don't."

Katie stood silent. Not a word escaped her mouth while Azure's gaze didn't falter.

"Say it. Come on, say it. Tell me. You know it, don't you? What's wrong with me, McCabe, huh? Why don't you tell everyone what a fucked-up mess I am? Why don't you tell them about the shit I've been through? About the nightmares that haunt me every fucking night? About the scars that cover my body, both inside and out? Go on, Katie, tell them all about it! Everybody fucking knows already! And everybody fucking knows I don't wanna be touched, and I don't wanna get to know them. Laura knew that as much as you do. If she had half a brain, she would've kept her fucking hands to herself."

The sober side of pain //McCabeWhere stories live. Discover now