Chapter 46: The Brewing Battle

Start from the beginning

Of course, this also means that there are very few roads, and the course to the Citadel is one such path. Much of the trek will be off road after leaving the former eastern lands on the west side of the mountains. And, even what roads used to exist have been overgrown and poorly maintained since the demons drove the allied nations back.

"Think we can win?" The voice that asks is Colonel Bryston, of the Kingdom of Brellum.

Muindis replies with a salute, "I don't know for certain, Colonel. Dragons are not an enemy just anyone can face."

"True. But, the Grand Duchess must have great faith in your abilities."

"We're not meant to defeat the dragons at the battle. We're meant to find the weapon."

"I see. Yes, there was mention of that. And, I suppose it is good fortune that we will be providing bait, hmm?"

Muindis turns to face the colonel. "We answered questions, Colonel. You made the choice to join our mission, against our advice. I cannot accept responsibility for your forces."

"But, you must have some faith in your own ability to succeed."

"Of course. And, the longer we have to search the Citadel, the better. That's not something made easier by a large siege, but it won't be harmed by the notion either. The Citadel is the largest castle on the continent, built for the dragons. I don't know that a siege could even outlast it if the dragons choose not to fight. And, it's doubtful that they won't."

"Hmm... Yes, I see. But, your plan was to draw them out with a siege, yes? Even with your paltry force."

"At least long enough to get in the door. As you know, the best we can do is plan."

The colonel is quiet for a moment. He looks over his shoulders and around them, seemingly verifying that they're essentially alone -at least as far as immediate earshot-.

"I hear... another rumor."

"I hear rumors as well, Colonel. I have no way of knowing which one you mean."

"This one's about a specific person. The... fiance to your Duchess of Stalvaltan."

Muindis is quiet for a moment. He replies quietly, "I know of no such person."

"I hear he's a commoner."

"From my men?"

"I told you. Just a rumor."

"Wyrmglare is here to retrieve a weapon. You're welcome to invade the Citadel if you think you can find whatever you want. If you jeopardize the Grand Duchy's mission, you should expect to receive sanctions, Colonel. Please understand."

Bryston stares at him for a moment, but he smiles. "I see. I suppose that is the nature of rumors; always threatening to stir a pot that doesn't need stirred." He looks out over the wilderness beyond the fortress for another moment. "We'll stay out of your way. But, if we fell a dragon without your help, I trust you will report that accurately, hm?" He nods his head politely and makes his way back down from the wall.

Muindis watches him go for a moment. There's a very slim chance that the Wyrmglare mission will succeed with 200 men or 20,000. Numbers aren't the issue. A great deal of luck will determine whether this particular mission succeeds or fails.

With a sigh, Muindis returns to his own bed for the night. It's a long march to the Citadel, and they'll be even slower with this many troops.


Clang! Clang! Ping! Clang!

Metal clashes on metal as Daniel parries swords with several combat golems being overseen by Xyreko. He is surrounded, swinging a training sword with the skill level one might expect of a maintenance mechanic who has managed to survive in a fantasy world. He can make some fluid swings, but he overextends his posture and his momentum. Daniel makes a few solid parries, before the metal of training sword batters against his back, and he stumbles. He makes a few more parries, before another smack rings his bell, bouncing off of his helmet.

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