Chapter 2: Into the Unknown

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The few remaining days flew by much quicker than I anticipated, in just few hours I will be in the train once again going to a new place, a new home for the next 3 years. Over the past few weeks our lives have been nothing more than a constant run. Haven't stayed anywhere for more than a week, no time to get attached to the place. This house is supposed to be a permanent solution, somewhere where we won't be found. Mum says this time it will be different, but I know the atmosphere has been tense lately, after all Grindelwald had many ways on finding out what he wanted, so I assume I will be coming to a different home next term.

Examining myself in the mirror I let my dark brown, long curls fall naturally below my shoulders. As I was ready to leave my eyes have wondered towards a photo that stood on the dressing table. I ran my fingers delicately along the fragile, wooden frame which holds a photo of two adults, smiling, holding a little girl about 7 in between them. A familiar tingling sensation started to take over, closing my eyes images started to flood my mind from the day the photo was taken. It was a beautiful warm day at the beach, we were driving by and my mum pointed out how beautiful the view was, my dad suggested it will be a perfect moment for a photo so he asked a stranger to take one of us. It was the best day of my life. It reminded me of the time that once we were truly happy.

'Ariaaa...' a faint voice echoed through the air which belonged to my mother. Suddenly everything started to fade away. I could no longer see my mum or dad; the beach began to disappear as a felt the reality pulling me back. Silence. I opened my eyes and found myself back in familiar surroundings again, I smiled to myself reliving the memories from the past.

'Aria, darling. Is everything okay? I been calling you down for ages.' Rose appeared in the doorway looking concerned.

'I'm fine mum, I am ready to go' I said still smiling slightly.

'Let's go than, we don't want to be late' I could hear a hint of urge in her voice. She disappeared in the hallway again. Only after a moment you could hear footsteps heading down the stairs.

I buttoned up my grey, long coat and with one last look I took my suitcase and headed downstairs where my mum been waiting impatiently, already in the car. The truth was I didn't want to leave, not yet as I only got used to this house. But I also knew Hogwarts will be the safest place for me to be under the circumstances, so I had no choice.

'Where is dad' I asked as I got in the car.

'He left for the ministry in the early morning...' said Rose adjusting her front mirror in a distant voice, clearly focused. We were one of the few people in the village who owned a car, most were taken away to be used in the muggle war but thanks to my parents working high in the ministry we got to keep ours. 'Don't worry he will come to see you off, he wouldn't miss it for the world' she smiled at me.

I took out my book and started to read but couldn't focus on the words 'Mum, you don't have to be so worried about me all the time, I know how to look after myself'?

Rose's expression changed slightly as her eyes winded as if taken by surprise by my statement 'What do you mean darling.'

'Ever since we left Norway, it's like you been more cautious with me... watching my every move as if I done something wrong!' I said in a bit annoyed. I love my parents dearly but sometimes they can be overwhelming.

'Aria you know that's not true. We just trying to protect you, you have no idea how dangerous Grindelwald really is.' She said trying to keep her composure, but I could tell she was nervous.

'I know you hiding something from me. I'm not stupid. I looked down on my lap when it suddenly struck me 'What really was in that letter that you didn't want me finding out about?' Suddenly she slammed the breaks. I heard the tires squeal, and I grabbed the door handle to resist the force that pulled me forwards. The car stopped. I looked over at my mum who was holding the steering wheel with both hands, eyes closed releasing a deep breath.

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