Chapter 5:

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I finally got to London, the flight was awful, I was a nervous wreck and there was 3 kids screaming crying and just being noisy basically the whole flight, I was ready to be on the land, I yawned and got off the plane waiting to get my stuff, I text Ashton to let him know I had landed. I was so tired, I put headphones on Blink 182 just to turn off the world and just escape reality.

I finally got my stuff and I waited for Ash, it was so cold I didn't realise how cold it was, I had a band tee, skinny ripped jeans and some boots i started shivering, ugh come on Ash its fucking cold I said in my mind, I closed my eyes listening to music in my own world.


I parked the car to find my sister, that's when I saw her, I started shouting her name, she didn't answer. I walked to her and touched her shoulder, "Don't fucking touch me you creep" she yelled kicking my balls, "Ahhhh fuck" I winced in pain tears pooling in my eyes, "Fuck sake, why did you do that" she asked trying to me help up, "You... weren't...answering" I replied holding my balls.

Once I recovered a little I shuffled to the car helped Leah inside and put her stuff inside the trunk, "I guess I gotta call mum she will be worried" I said it was afternoon so it will be a little early but I'm sure mum would have been up anyway" she said looking at her phone, I drove to where we were staying, Leah facetimed our mum to let her know she was safely there in London.  The call was short and sweet and we were outside in the place we were living.

I parked the car up and smiled, "Well there you go we are home, I guess" he shrugged smiling, I was excited to show Leah amazing stuff and food, I got out of the car. I saw Leah slowly getting out, she looked around, "Its so cold" she shivered. I mean we were in winter. I took her stuff out of the car

I saw Leah looking a little nervous, I stood behind her and gave her a hug, she always had anxiety because of her dad and she hadn't seen Luke, Michael and Calum for a while since we left, "You will be okay" I whispered loudly enough for her to hear it, her shoulders leaned into my chest, "I know" she whispered with a deep breath. I pulled away from the hug 


Ash got my stuff together I looked away again it was loud I wasn't used to it at all. I gulped and walked up the steps before the doors I was excited but nervous I knew they would baby me because of my anxiety and depression they always did even though Luke and I were the same age, "Well are you going in, these bags are kinda heavy" he struggled up the steps dropping things as he walked up the steps as he giggled, a string of curse words fell out of his mouth, I stared at the door, I was ready to pull the handle for the door... That's when the door flew open hitting me knocking me down "Ow fuck" I yelled. It was Luke... Of course it was Luke I was thinking Suddenly I  passed out.


I was anxious to see her, my heart didn't stop beating  loud when Ash announced she was coming. I didn't know how to be around her without being an Idiot, I heard Ash giggling and cursing, "She's here!" I smiled blush formed on my cheeks, "Bro you're you so red" Cal laughed making kissy noises at me, "Shut up" I groaned. I got to the door opening it as it swung opened, "Ow Fuck" Leah yelled. There was a large bang, I raced to Leah her head was cut opened on her forehead, "Fuck, fuck, fuck" Ash yelled dashing inside with all her stuff in, "Cal, Mike!" I yelled panicking. 

Mike and Ash picked her and we hurried to the car driving as quickly as we could without getting in trouble with the police. Ash parked and she woke up, "What happened where am I?" she asked holding her head, "Oh fuck is that blood" she panicked, "This idiot hit you with the door" Ash said looking at me mad, "Ooooh Lukey your in trouble" she giggled, we got out the car then she threw up, "Nurse!"  I cried as we walked inside the hospital.

We sat in the waiting room for an hour with Michael and Calum while Ash sat with Leah, I got a text from Louis asking how London is and how we were, I text him for a while then Leah and Ash came out, "She's fine, she just has a headache and some stitches" Ash said sighing, "Well I guess I gotta call mum and tell her what happened" He added. 

We finally thanked the nurses who looked after Leah and we were off back home, "I'm so hungry"  Michael moaned holding his stomach, "You're always hungry" Leah laughed, I looked at her.

LEAH'S P.O.V: TW for this part sorry 

I noticed Luke staring at me, he does it a lot but I don't know why, I wasn't even pretty, I'm weird ugly, weird, gross I didn't know how I was related to Ashton, Lauren and Harry. We got back home and ordered pizza, cookies and some Pepsi, Of course Michael had brought his gaming stuff so we played FIFA except Ash he wasn't into  FIFA which was so weird because he liked football. I loosened up I sat down next to Cal and Ash looking at the screen as Michael played with Luke. Then the food came, 3 large pizzas. It was like feeding hungry dingoes.

We finished the food and put a movie on as it was already 8:30pm, I sat on the floor behind Ash the hate melted away as soon as I saw him again. It was a good day except Luke hitting my head. After the movie my phone started beeping, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw some messages from Lauren saying she missed me and to say Hi to Ashton. Then there was a lot of messages from a unknown people, "How's "Ash" is he well" and "I haven't seen you around I hope you died :)" "I hope you did :)"   there was more graphic ones on my phone its like I didn't want to read but my head was forcing me to read them. Ashton, Michael and Calum went to bed, Luke already fell asleep whilst the movie was playing 

I looked at my phone as tears formed in my eyes, "You're popular sis" Ash chuckled looking at me, "I gotta go the bathroom" I quietly said looking at the wall. I hurried to the bathroom locking it, I sat on the floor as the tears flooded I was angry I was upset Maybe I should my brain said I saw red I grabbed a razor and cut as I screamed and cried.

I heard Luke yelling, "What's happening,open the door" Luke yelled banging on the door waking the others too, "What the fuck is going up" Mike exclaimed.

I panicked and started cleaning the blood up, Oh crap my brain panicked looking the blood, "Im okay there was umm a spider" I lied looking at the mess, "Fuck sake we used to live in aus with huge ass spiders" Michael said huffing walking to his bedroom.Once everyone went back to bed unlocked the bathroom and hurried to bed.

The next day I woke up with pain in my arms,I  looked at them and sighed and had a shower, got dressed and hurried downstairs, I was the first person to wake up it was 10:30am, I was wearing a dark grey jumper and some black jeans and my hair was up in 2 messy buns.

I saw how messy it was, I decided to  clean, I put some music on loud on my phone and started cleaning, I sort of forgot that I was alone I started singing quietly cleaning as I went, "Well someone is happy this morning" Ash smiled making me shit my pants, "Jesus Christ" I yelled hitting his shoulder, "Hey no fair" he pouted grabbing my arm, "Ow fuck" I winced, "I didn't grab you that hard" he laughed, "Uh yeah" I looked at the floor.

I made some breakfast then we ate until Luke,Mike and Cal woke up, "Morning guys" I smiling, "I wanna see London please" I asked smiling more, "Sure, also you know One Direction yeah" Luke said, I squealed, "Yeah!" I said looking at him, "Well they are here in London on a break" he added looking at him, "Let me call someone quickly" he replied grabbing his phone and dialing someone.


I grabbed my phone looking through my contacts, I saw his name and I called him, "Hey Luke is everything alright" Louis answered, "Ashton's sister is here she loves you guys you and Niall are your favourite, I was wondering since your off could you let you guys meet her" I asked, "Look I'll call the guys and I'll let you know" he replied then we hung up

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