Chapter 6

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Walters pov

I woke up this morning to the rain hitting off my bedroom window. I wasn't really surprised though, the weather has been pretty shitty for that last week.

The last day it was nice was when me and Henry went to the forest. I wanted to bring him back again today if it was nice but by the look of the dark grey clouds that are now hovering out the kitchen window I doubt we will be.

"Fuck shake why had the weather been so shitty lately, dose it not know it's summer"henry tells me looking out the same window I am. "I know it would be nice to get out of the house and go somewhere nice but I doubt we will by the look of that" I say now looking away from the window and sitting down in a seat at the table.

Henry soon follows after, sitting down on the chair across from me. "Do you just want to have a movie day?" I ask not to be able to think of anything else for us to do. " Yeah sure that could be fun," he says back.

So that's what we do. It's now a bit later and we found some popcorn in a cupboard and only nearly burned the house down twice while making it.

We're both beside each other in my bed sitting under the covers all warm and cosy, hiding  from the stormy weather that's rattling against the windows.

I press play on the first movie. And as we're getting comfy Henry moves about a bit beside me, and he's slowly getting closer to me. Not so close that we're laying up against each other but close enough that my legs are now lying against his.

This shouldn't be affecting me as much as it is. There's now a tingly feeling all up my leg, and it's taking over my thoughts. But I try to regain my Focus back on the movie since this is the first movie out of three we have lined up for this evening and I can't be getting this distracted ten minutes in.

The movies go on and the more they do the more I forget about Henry's leg lying against mine.

That is till we're on our third movie. It's dark and quiet in the house. I'm guessing my parents and Lilly are now asleep. And by Henry slowly laying his head down on my left shoulder I think he might be about to go to sleep as well.

I was right within the next ten minutes the movie is ending and there's no sign of Henry getting up. So I turn off the computer and place it on my bedside table slowly trying not to move too much so I don't wake him up.

I stay still just thinking about the fact that he's actually laying on my shoulder. Within the last week it seems like he's been doing more things like this. I know it was me who took his hand the night we ran home in the rain but he didn't let go and the look on his face and the fact that he was giggling the whole time kinda makes me think he might actually like me back. But at the same time I'm not sure.

I can't tell if I'm being delusional and only thinking this because it's what I want to think. But I feel like recently I can always feel his gaze on me. I can feel that he's looking at me and I seem to always catch him staring.

I don't really know what to do about this because the closer we keep on getting the more I'm gonna fall for him and the more it's gonna bug me to tell him. But what if he just likes being close and touchy with people. What if he doesn't actually like me back.I don't think I could bare   messing this all up over a few wrong signals.

I lay my head down on top of his as I try to forget all the overwhelming thoughts that are now  circling around my head. And it seems to work. As I feel my head rest down on top of his and my checks brush against his soft wavy hair all the thoughts seem to disappear and all I can think about is us. Us here,now just calmly lying together.

And I feel Like nothing could ever hurt us if we just stayed like this, here just us together forever.

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