Chapter 4

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Walters Pov

After dinner me and Henry go back to my room for a while till we decide what we want to do for the rest of the evening.

We end up deciding on just going for a walk into town like I mentioned earlier.

It's around six and since it's entering summer we have about two hours before it will start to get dark.

Henry and I both get our shoes on and I open the door for him to walk out.

My house is only a fifteen minute walk to the nearest town. There's not much in the town. there's a few restaurants and bars, a couple of little shops,a post office,a chemist and a walkway with a park and a few places to hang out.

There's also some beaches and a pier that I have already planned on taking Henry to when the weather gets better.

It's been pretty rainy for the last few days and all I can hope for is that it doesn't rain while we're in town.

It seems like no time when we get into town. The walk in always goes quicker when you have some to talk to and Henry never shuts up. I love the fact that he never shuts up. He could talk to me for days on end and I'd never get bored of it.

We just walk around the town for a while waiting for it to get a bit later in the day so that when we go to the park all the children will have gone home.

We walk around the town that I have walked through so many times. Yet it's so much better with Henry beside me. I have been all over this small town and when Henrys not with me I think about him being here with me. I have thought about us being together all over town.

Me and him walking around this town that I grew up in. Us walking together hand in hand. Just Us running around giggling. All the back alleys and quite parts of the town that I have dreamt about kissing him in.

The beaches I have sat on with my other friends. just thinking about sitting there with Henry instead. Even when he's not with me he's still I all  can think about.

We go into a tiny corner shop to get a drink before going to  the park.

Me and Walter head straight for the swings that are down the back end of the park. We sit there just swinging and talking about random things.

We then spot that there's a new swing in the park. It's the ones with a big circle that you sit in while someone pushes you in it.

We both rush over trying to get there before the other, not wanting to be the one who has to sit and push the other.

Henry gets in first and starts telling me to push him.

I stand behind the swing and start pushing it. He keeps on yelling at me to push it higher and higher. So I do.I  push it to the point where for me to keep pushing it higher I have to jump up and lean on it.

He's laughing and still telling me to push him higher, and I do it because I would do anything to hear him laugh. He has such a sweet laugh, it's high pitched and giggly. It sounds a bit funny at times but that just makes it even better.

Everything about him is just perfect.

I'm now sitting on the big swing beside him. It's still swinging a tiny bit, but not as much as if someone was pushing us.

The sun is now setting and it looks so pretty. It looks like Henry. He has always reminded me of the sun and how it looks when it sets on a summer night.

I pull out my phone to take a picture of it. And before I even can, Henry sits up and jumps in front of my camera. Getting in the picture right as I take it.

He looks kinda funny so I show it to him and we both burst out laughing. He is now half laying on me from the fact that he's doubled over laughing. And if we could stay like this forever I would.

It makes me want to tell him how much he really means to me and how much I really like him. But I don't, because I'd rather just be able to be this close to him then mess it up by saying something about it and never getting to be like this with him again.

I'm also not sure he's gay so there's no point in messing up our friendship just because of how I feel. Especially if there's a chance that he didn't feel the same.

After we stop laughing and can finally breathe properly again we decided we should probably start walking back home before it gets too dark.

The sun is nearly fully set by the time we get back on the pathway that leads back home.

We're only like two minutes away when I feel something hit off my forehead. I look over at Henry and he's already looking at me. That's when I realised that it had started to rain.

"For fuck sake" Henry yelles as the rain starts to get heavier.

It's now pouring and I'm not gonna sit here getting soaked so I grab Henry's hand and run. It takes me a moment to even realise that his hands in mine. But when I do a smile breaks out over my face and when I turn to Henry he's also laughing.

We're both laughing as we dart back home, our hands still together. Even though I'm soaked and cold, just the fact that I'm holding Henry's hand makes it all seem worth it.

We have been running for the last minute and we're Both about to keel over when I see my house come into view.

We're both in the front door before our hands finally part. We take off our shoes and walk down the hall completely drenched.

We both go to the shower, Henry in the shower that's attached to my room and I go to the one in the main bathroom down the hall.

I still can't stop thinking about holding his hand. It's something so small but it feels so big.

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