008 - In This Lifetime

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Haru shook his head. "No, don't worry, I've already ate." He had devoured the salted caramel tart Kimiko had given him not too long ago. Seiji and Kimiko seemed to know each other, and since Kimiko expressed that Seiji could not cook, Haru chose to believe her. He would rather eat that caramel tart than subject himself to... whatever Seiji's cooking would be.

Seiji nodded, before reaching over to somewhere behind his easel and putting on a pair of metal framed silver glasses, the material glinting in the light. A chain was attached to the sides of the glasses, looping over his shoulder. The glasses made his face appear colder and sharper, but the warm expression on his face never left.

"Alright then. You must be wondering if I made the paintings you've seen throughout my house, right?" He inquired.

Haru nodded eagerly. "They were all so beautiful, you could tell that the hands that crafted them were meticulous in every paint stroke, from the fine details to the entire composition. Anyone could see that the person who made them possessed an infinite amount of talent and skill. They couldn't have all been made by you, right?"

Seiji laughed. "They really were all made by me. I painted most of them back when I lived in London since I had a lot of free time." He wore a very amused expression. "I'm also very flattered by your compliments, Haru."

Haru averted his gaze, his ears a little red. "Oh, I... guessed you did paint them, but I didn't want to assume. Sorry for rambling," he sighed.

He had to get to the point quickly. Yes, his intention of coming here was to thank Seiji and return his coat, but he also needed some questions answered. Questions that weren't pointless flirting.

"However, I have to ask this." He started. Seiji's gaze instantly sharpened, and Haru could tell he was listening based on how he slightly leaned forward, his shoulders stiffened.

"Do you know Shimamoto Ayame?" Haru asked.

Seiji frowned, a contemplating expression on his face. Finally, he sighed.

"Haru, you always seem to make things difficult for me..." he helplessly said. "I do know him, but that's all I can tell you."

Haru was a bit irritated. "Why do you not want to tell me?"

"I'm sorry, don't get mad at me again. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but it's more like... I can't." Seiji explained. "It's too complicated, and if I reveal more, it'll reveal confidential information. I promise I'll tell you one day, but for now..." he trailed off.

Haru shook his head, sighing. He tried to calm himself down, especially because he remembered what he had done the last time Seiji had made him mad. Just the thought of it embarrassed him, how could he be so dumb?

"Whatever. But if you don't tell me in due time, I'll have to find out myself. I don't like people hiding secrets from me." Haru frowned.

Seiji gently smiled. "I promise I'll tell you soon," he said, before standing up suddenly.

"I'll go get you something to drink, you must be thirsty." Without waiting for Haru to reply, he hurried out of the room, lightly closing the door behind him.

Haru could only stare at the closed door, dumbfounded.

He was clearly trying to avoid the topic just now. Just what is he trying to hide from me?


Yoshimoto Seiji couldn't help but internally curse himself out as he poured a cup of water for Haru.

What the hell did Ayame tell Haru? First it was Masuyo going against my orders, and now him. I should've been more careful. I can't believe the amount of times I've stressed that this information is strictly confidential, and yet...

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