007 - Trustworthy?

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im sorry for not updating in a while. felt burnt out and got pretty busy. laptop broke too (again)!!

chapter is barely edited at all so point out any mistakes pls 😭😭 im too tired to do this

Kimiko waited until Shigeru had left the apartment, before finally reaching for her phone on the coffee table.

It's not that I don't want to be in the entertainment industry. It's not that I don't want to take advantage of your help... But if I really let you build my entire career's foundation, then the rumors on the internet would be true. The rumors that say I'm climbing your bed to leech off your fame and success would become true. And I don't want that.

Nobody would want that, and especially not me.

Kimiko quickly sent a text message,

Sato Kimiko | Send me a picture of where Seiji is, right now.

??? | [Image Attachment]

It was a picture of Seiji leaning against the wall of some unknown place, an unlit cigarette in between his fingers as he stared off to the side. Kimiko's hand unknowingly grasped her phone tighter when she saw the image.

If only he knew the lengths I would go for him. Why can't I have anything in life? Why am I just a slave to the people I don't even want to be associated with? The warmth that she felt when she thought about Seiji completely disappeared at the thought of her new fiancé and his family. It wasn't like her future in-laws didn't know about the rumors going around about her— how could they not know? Whenever she visited they would cast disapproving gazes at her, complicated emotions swirling in their eyes; But the most prominent one was disdain and absolute disgust. Their condescending gazes sickened her.

Kimiko nearly snapped her phone in half. She took a deep breath, setting her phone back down onto the table.

"Hayashi Shigeru. Nothing could describe the amount of hate I hold for you. You have ruined my life."


After Haru left Ayame's place, he couldn't help but feel a lot of complicated emotions crashing down on him all at once. He left Ayame's place with more questions than he had started with. Shimamoto Ayame had offered him a ride back home, but Haru refused because he didn't want him to know where he lived. Now, Haru was waiting at a bus stop for a bus to arrive. He hadn't taken public transportation for a long time, relying mostly on his own car and his roommate, Yamasaki Masuyo's car instead.

The rain pouring overhead had his hoodie drenched with water, but he couldn't do anything about it. If he came down with a cold later, Haru didn't really mind. He really didn't want to see Ryu Masato at work the next day. However, that didn't change the fact that he was basically shivering while waiting for the bus. Haru had forgotten to check the weather, so not only did he not have an umbrella, he also didn't dress in proper clothes. The strangely cold weather combined with the rain made him extremely uncomfortable— not to mention his wet shirt sticking onto his skin as well. At the very least, the bus stop had a roof covering it.

Haru leaned his back onto the bench, his eyes closing from how exhausted he was. He could hear the loud rain pouring overhead, the sound of it hitting the roof of the bustop was almost never-ending. Thunder roared in the distance every once in a while, which made it harder for Haru to rest. His nose crinkled slightly, very annoyed that it was raining. The rain clouds were always a disgustingly bland gray color that blocked all of the sunlight and made his world seem cold and empty. It reminded him of the endless void he had spent an infinite amount of time in after he died in his first life.

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