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Previously (chapter 1, present time):

"So" Cisco said, curiosity getting the better of him. "You have a brother?"

Barry put his hand through his hair looking at them nervously "Yeah"


"Wow" Caitlin said.

"Freaky." Cisco agreed. "It's like - like he is you, like, an exact copy, a doppelgänger, just younger. How's that even possible?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I've seen his face in... well, since my mom died. He was so young when it happened, almost a baby still, so... he got adopted. The records were sealed. Felicity found him for me."


It was an unfamiliar feeling for Barry to talk about Sebastian. He had botteled it up for so long, he felt as vulnerable as never before. Not only for himself, but also for the little brother he had sworn to protect. How could he have been so careless and let this secret be found out so quickly? Well, now that it was out, he could as well give some answers.

With the help of Felicity, he scrambled together the most important parts of the story and his frustrating search for his brother and his wish to meet him again. He told them about involving Felicity and finding out his brother's new name and where he lived. Finally, he concluded with the present day and the picture, which, ironically, was the first official and legally obtained information in the case. His friends listened in awe.

"But why now?" Caitlin wondered. "I mean, you just told us, Mr. Smythe made quite the effort to hide his son's face from the internet. Now it just so happens to pop up in an article? What changed?"

Felicity nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I wondered that, too. But it has been quite some time you know." She looked at Barry and continued: "Your brother's adoptive father has been laying low on the big cases, he's not involved that much into anything anymore, so I guess it is safer now. There have also been a few articles about your dad's exoneration. Maybe your brother's adoptive father saw that, and he figured it wouldn't harm his reputation any more. Nobody would recognize that baby from all those years ago anyway. Not to mention I pulled quite the stunt getting his adoption record. It was unlikely for us, or anybody, to find him. Or maybe there is another reason we just don't know about."

"Well, I am glad." Barry said. Everyone agreed. Even though it made him really anxious, Barry was somehow also relieved his friends finally knew. After all they had been through together, he should trust them. It was a strange situation, but it felt good to talk to them about this.

"... still doesn't explain why he looks exactly like you, though." Cisco came back to the thing that was bothering him the most.

"Well, there might be an explanation" Caitlins voice was trailing away as if deep in thought. Then she looked up. "I'd have to run a few tests, of course, but, Barry, do you know if you were conceived naturally?"

Everybody stared at her. "Sorry, I guess the question was inappropriate. We can go over this another time."

"It's- it's fine. I guess? And I don't know. But nobody is running tests on anyone anytime soon, understood? We're not dragging him into this. The less people know about him, the safer he is. I don't want him involved in anything of what we are dealing with. Alright?"

Caitlins expression resembled that of a scolded kid.

Before the situation could get any more weird, they were promptly interrupted by the drilling sounds of their meta-human-crime alert-system.

"Aand that's my cue. Bye, guys!" Felicity took her bag and awkwardly waved goodbye before heading out.

"This sould go without saying, but not a word about this. To anyone!" Barry said to his friends.

"Our lips are sealed, brother!" Cisco answered, though the Flash had already left to defend his city.


:) Thank you for reading I hope I could entertain you for a few minutes.

Hopefully it wasn't too confusing it made sense in my head.

Feel free to correct any errors, as english is not my first language. I appreciate it!

Sealed away (the flash x glee crossover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin