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A/N I was bored on a long car ride and this is what happened in my notes app, lol. Of course I don't own the Flash or Glee or the characters. I pieced together the scribbles I had to a sensible story. Enjoy.


„Thank you so much for your help, Felicity", Barry said. They were standing in a separate room at S.T.A.R.-Labs that was full of high-tech equipment. The blonde genius had just helped them with a meta-criminal case.

„Of course! It was my pleasure, as always! " She grinned.

Barry looked at her „But you could have easily done all that without being here. You didn't have to come all the way from Starling City just for this. "

„Well, I came here because I would never pass on an opportunity to see that dorky little face of yours", she teased, "and I wanted to catch you personally, because I also-" she looked around, making sure they were alone, then fumbled in her bag and fished out a laptop. She opened it."-wanted to show you something."

Barry came closer and looked at the screen, furrowing his brow and not quite yet understanding what it was that Felicity was showing him. He was looking at a picture of a newspaper article from last week. It showed a group of teenage boys in prep-school uniforms, appearing to be on some sort of stage, holding a trophy. The tag underneath read: "Dalton Academy Warblers to compete in upcoming regional show-choir-competition after winning sectionals with stunnig perfomance.

Realization hit. Barry looked more closely. He stared at the boy who was right in the middle of the picture.

"Is that...?" His voice was almost inaudible, he seemed out of breath. Felicity shot him a glance of sympathy.

"Yes. That's him."

"...Sebastian." Barry whispered, not able to take his face off the screen. "He..."

"I know. He looks exatly like you."

No one said anything for a while. "Thank you, Felicity. This means so much, you have no Idea."

Barry had tears in his eyes. „So... he's in a choir?"

"Glee club, actually"

Barry continued to stare at the picture, mesmerized. "Hi, Teddy" he said to the picture, his voice shaking. "It's nice to see you. I finally know what you look like today. You seem to have it really good. You're so successful. A singer, huh? Mom used to sing to you whenever you were fussy. It always seemed to be the only thing that could calm you down." He sniffled. "I'm so proud of you, little brother".

"I'm sorry, did you just say BROTHER?"

Felicity and Barry wheeled around. Cisco and Caitlin stood in the door, the former being the one that had exclaimed that last sentence.

"What are you guys doing here!" Barry exclaimed at the sight of his friends, an anger in his voice which they rarely knew of him.

"I'm so sorry Barry" Caitlin said "We really didn't mean to pry. We were just coming in to tell you- never mind, but we really just came in. We only heard this one sentence about a brother before we even realized this was a private conversation."

Cisco chimed in: "It's true, I swear. I was just so confused about this, I shouldn't have said anything. We should have turned around."

Barry took a second to regulate himself. He sighed, shaking, defeated. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you. You didn't know." An awkward silence followed.

"So" Cisco said, curiosity getting the better of him. "You have a brother?"

Barry put his hand through his hair looking at them nervously "Yeah"

"That him?" He slightly pointed his chin toward the screen. Barry nodded. He had a look in his eyes that his friends had never seen there before. They now knew it came from the same motivation as the sudden anger from before. He was being protective. There were so many more unanswered questions.

They carefully came closer and - with permission - looked at the picture on the Tablet in Felicity's hands.

"Wow" Caitlin said.

"Freaky." Cisco agreed. "It's like - like he is you, like, an exact copy, a doppelgänger, just younger. How's that even possible?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I've seen his face in... well, since my mom died. He was so young when it happened, almost a baby still, so... he got adopted. The records were sealed. Felicity found him for me."

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