Start from the beginning

DAVE- I mean so what she's like crazy talented and beautiful and she only got even more beautiful over the summer.

TEVIN- you still like her don't you?

DAVE- So badly.

Tevin laughs and as he turns his head him and Chanel catch eye contact but both quickly turn away.


Yarni takes her seat to Chanel and Maley. The girls embrace each other.

CHANEL- girl you ate that stage right up and you looked doing it.

Yarni laughs.

MALEY- No seriously you were amazing Yarni. I'm proud of you.

Yarni smiles.

YARNI- Thanks guys. I missed yall.

MALEY- Sisters are back.

Chanel smiles.

CHANEL- I guess I missed y'all too.

Yarni laughs.

YARNI- We have so much to catch up on I can't wait until we're out of here so we can really talk.

CHANEL- What does the Dean have to talk about anyway?

YARNI- Who knows.

MALEY- probably the fire that happened over break.

YARNI- oh yeah.

CHANEL- Anyways I'd like to add that both Jermaine and Dave were practically drooling watching you up there.

Yarni rolls her eyes and smiles.

YARNI- shut up.

CHANEL- I'm just saying that's the way you flex, on a stage giving sexy and unbothered.

MALEY- you think Jermaine was drooling?

Chanel and Yarni look at her confused.

DEAN BROWN- Welcome back for a new year at Carter Arts University. I hope you're all ready to take new steps to push forward to your dreams....as you all know a fire accord just before winter break. Because of it we've had to make some changes that will include more than changing the building.

TEVIN- I did think the building looked different.

Dave nods.

DAVE- yeah did you notice how upscale Neal Hall looks?

TEVIN- new lounge chairs too.


TEVIN- don't tell my best friend to shh! You shhh!

STUDENT ONE- I was talking to you.


DEAN BROWN- I have never experienced a fire like that for as long as I've been a Dean.

TEVIN- Hmph you must of never seen Chanel flat iron her hair.

A few students laughs.

CHANEL-Boy I swear.

DEAN BROWN- Miss Turner and Mr.Dorsey are you finished?

CHANEL- I'm sorry on behalf of both of us Dean Brown Tevin isn't use to being around humans. You know since he was raised in a zoo.

Tevin jaw drops. Yarni and Maley laughs. Dave clears his throat.

DEAN BROWN-back to what I was saying...

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