Park day (eddtom, fluff?)

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Edd pov:

"Tommmm hurry up and get your ass dressed!!" I yelled out, waiting for Tom at the doorway, my eyes drift off to looking outside as I see Matt talking to tord (this is where tord didn't move away btw) "Tom! Out here now! I know you're awake so stopping hiding in your emo ass room!"

Tom pov:

I groan as I hear edd yelling again. I then put my hoodie on and take some pills, I out my shoes on and I walks outside my room, rubbing my eyes, exhausted and tired from last night. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming edd, chill out..." I walks outside with edd as I wait for edd to lock the door which he did, I admire edd as I watch him, blushing slightly but then my though trail off to what happened last night as I shake my head, making my though go away. I look at edd as I spoke "hey edd, can we forget what happened last night?" My eye trail off to the side as me and him walked to the car, blushing a little

Edd pov:

I looked at Tom as I hear Tom wanting to forget what happened last night, I then spoke "why? You seemed to enjoy it last night, plus. You begged for more either way" I chuckle as I said this. I get in the front seat of the driver seat while Tom gets in the passenger seat, Matt getting in the back seat and tord sits next to Matt.

Tord pov:

"So you guys had fun? You guys were pretty loud last night...." I smirked as i hold Matt hand

3rd pov:

Tom and edd blushed a lot as edd spoke "tord...not that type of fun." Tord rolled his eyes as he sighs softly, Tom then looks at edd as Tom spoke "so edd..what type of fun did you think tord was imagining hm?" Tom cocked his head to the side as Tom had a smug look which edd rolled his eyes and said "nothing Tom. Don't need to ruin that innocence of yours." Tom pouts as Tom then crossed his was now quiet in the car.

~time skip~

3rd pov:

The four got to the park as they all did their own thing. Edd and Tom lost tord and Matt as they shrugged and didn't care at the moment, Edd then holds Tom hand and leads him to the ferris wheel which they waited in line, after they got on the Ferris wheel they were no on the tippy top of it, getting a nice few of the park..they then spot Matt doing dumb shit again with tord as they were playing with ice cream, pranking people there to along the way.

Edd pov:

I stare at the sun that was going down, I then look at Tom as I softly smile and then I spoke "hey Tom..I like you..I love you a lot.." I stare into Tom eyeless eyes as if hold Tom hands, I swallows hard, kinda nervous for Tom reaction, I continue to stare at Tom as i can't hold back no more so I kiss Tom.

Tom pov:

I was speechless when edd confessed, i couldn't get any words to come out, edd crashed his lips onto mine which got me flustered, i can't help but kiss back so I did, I kissed edd back, (btw the Ferris wheel got stuck)

Edd pov:

I pick Tom up and I put him on my lap as I hold him by the waist, my hands trail down to his hips, my tongue slipped inside Tom lips as i make out with Tom, being gentle with him. After a few moments of kissing I pull away, as I was gonna take thing further, Tom stopped me, I then hear Tom say "Edd we can't, we're still in public idiot." I blush a lot as I was glad Tom stopped me though...the Ferris wheel started to move so I picked Tom up and placed him back down on the floor, once we got off the ride we both started to walk off, looking for Matt and tord.

Tom pov

I then take my phone out and I then text tord

Tord and Tom chat:

Tom 🎸💙: oi, commie, the hell you at?

Commie: up your mom ass 😇

Tom 💙🎸: well guess what she doesn't have an ass.

Commie: wait what?

Tom 💙🎸: anyway, where u at?

Commie: up your mom ass.

Tom: stop playing games here idiot!! WHERE YOU AT!?

Commie: UP YOUR MOM ASS!!!!
3rd pov:

Edd then tugs Tom sleeve as Edd then points in front of them as there was a store that said "up your mom ass" what type of store named their store "up your mom ass??" Tom stayed silent as he sees tord and Matt there, tord annoyed, and Matt chuckling nervously as Matt waved at the two, Tom stayed silent but then he glared at the two of them.

~time skip~

The four boys got home as everyone went to bed except edd and Tom, edd was in Tom room, making out. For who knows how long. Edd then pulled away from Tom kiss as edd spoke through his panted breath "Tom..I love you so much..." Edd then kissed Tom neck as Tom wrapped his arms around edd neck and Tom whispered "yeah..I love you too..." Edd continued to kiss Tom neck as edd nibbled on Tom neck, making small marks which Tom moaned softly, edd then smiled as edd looks up at Tom and spoke "your so cute ya know that?" Tom blushed and looked away as Tom hid his face with his sleeve as Tom mumbles "am not." Edd laughed softly as edd then cuddles Tom. Tom cuddles edd back which Edd then kissed Tom and they kissed for a few moments until they stopped so they can cuddle Instead

Eddtom or tordtom fluff smutTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon