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Tord pov:

I just woke up and I was still pissed off after Tom exploding confetti in my face last night after their party they had for Tom getting a job for once and not drinking all day. I stretch my arms out as I yawns and then i grab the end of my red blanket before pulling it off of me as I get up and change into new clothes putting on my grey shirt, black leggings, and then my red hoodie. I then walk to the kitchen as I see Tom and I was about to walk over to Tom until edd came over and pushed me away and then hugging Tom from behind making Tom yell at tord for scaring him. I felt a weird feeling in my chest and I felt..jealous? I then shake my head and I get up as I glare at edd for pushing me but edd shrugs it off.

Edd pov:

As I continue to hug Tom from behind not caring if he yelled at me or not but from the edge of my eye I can see tord, glaring at me but I shrug it off since Tom was mine after all. Few hours passed by and Tom went out to drink and it was now me and a
glaring hentai freak. Great. I then look at tord as I see tord still glaring at me but then I roll my eyes and sit on the couch and change the channels

Tord pov:

I see edd rolling his eyes at me as I then spoke while looking at my hentai I was holding on top of my lap. "You know Tom is mine right? He won't love you at all." I smirk as I say this knowing Tom is mine and not edds.

Edd pov:

"What?" I look at tord with a surprised face. Who the hell does tord think he is, saying Tom is his. "He isn't yours. Unlike you I'm not just chilling in my room all day and fighting with Tom everyday."

3rd person:

It was silent for a moment until tord spoke again "At least i don't drink coke all day and cling onto Tom 24/7." Edd then looks at tord as edd then spoke in more of an aggressive tone "At least I actually care for Tom. What do you do? All you do is fight with him! Every where we go you always have to pick on Tom!" Tord looks at edd as tord stands up and
Lspoke "so? Tom we'll never love you edd. He loves me and only me. Remember those adventures we went on? You posted Tom down the stairs when we went in that temple!" Edd stays silent as edd looks to the side until he noticed Tom standing there as Tom stares at both of them with complete shock.

Edd pov:

"Oh hey Tom..what are you doing home so early..?" Not gonna lie I'm afraid of how long Tom was there and how he get home without being drunk. I hope he was drunk because i wasn't ready to admit my love for Tom or anything at least not yet.

Tom pov:

I continue to stare at both of them and I was drunk but at this point..I can't think straight no more and all I can hear was the loud ing ringing in my ear that goes on and on until I got snapped open by tord punching me in the face as I rub my cheek that was punched and when I was about to say something I then see tord yelling at edd but I couldn't hear was all..mumble shit and my vision got blurry until my eyes suddenly shut.

Edd pov:

As tord was busy yelling at me I noticed Tom eyes shutting and then I push tord to the side and I check Tom temperature and check if he is still breathing but turns out Tom passed out due to being drunk. I then turn to tord and I spoke "cut him some slack asshole. Your the reason why Tom is drinking so much." I then pick Tom up and I walk to Tom room to lay Tom down so he could get rest.

Tord pov:

I seat silent as I start to think if he really was the reason why him drinks a lot..tord then sees edd get out of Tom room and edd walks to his room as he looked at the time and it was 12:00 as tord then walks to Tom room and then tord open the door quietly as tord comes in and closes the door behind him and walks over to Tom bed and sitting next to Tom sleeping body on the edge of the bed. Tord then goes down to Tom hight and tord whispers in Tom ear "sorry Thomas. I love you and goodnight..also don't get mad but..I ripped Tommie bear arm yesterday.." the next thing tord knew tord was in the hospital with a broken arm as tord regretted telling Tom that.

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