Break me (part 3 out of 11)

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As far as the public was concerned, Jeon Jungkook maintained a pristine record. He owned a legitimate consulting firm, fulfilled his tax obligations, and regularly contributed to charity. Jungkook was viewed as a pillar of society.

Nevertheless, they occasionally brought him in; Jungkook suspected it was merely to assert their lack of fear towards him. However, they always framed it as 'consulting,' as if seeking his input on matters. It was amusing. What they truly sought was to decipher Jungkook's role as the new head of the family. He had assumed leadership merely three years prior, and they were still trying to gauge his stance.

They had decades to decipher his father's motives; they knew what to anticipate from him. Now they aimed to decode Jungkook. Not that Jungkook intended to make their task any easier. He was content to further perplex them.

Thus, he wasn't taken aback when summoned.

What did surprise him was being escorted into an interrogation room, where he encountered a detective, he had not met before. Jungkook took his time assessing the man. He was slightly older than Jungkook, clad in a sharp suit, with his hair neatly pulled back.

Unlike many others who avoided Jungkook's gaze, this detective showed no signs of fear.

"Well, hello, pretty boy, haven't crossed paths with you before." Jungkook settled comfortably into the chair provided, resting his head on his hands as he appraised the man. There was an intelligence gleaming in his eyes that piqued Jungkook's curiosity.

There was an inexplicable allure about this man that drew Jungkook in like a moth to a flame, a sensation that intensified as he spoke. "Do you understand why you're here?" Despite Jungkook's flirtatious banter, the detective managed to maintain a cool and professional demeanour, neatly arranging his papers before him as he seated himself. Only a slight twitch of his hand betrayed his nervousness.

"Well, gorgeous, since you summoned me here, I'll venture to guess that you, more than anyone else, are aware of the purpose of my visit." Jungkook relished the reaction his words evoked from Namjoon, even if the detective attempted to conceal it.

A series of crime scene photographs were spread out before him. "So, are you claiming no knowledge of any of these individuals?"

With a contemplative tap on his cheek, Jungkook scrutinized the images.

Naturally, he recognized these individuals; one was a traitor whose end Jungkook had ordered, while the other was the individual he had been informing on. The manner of the killings left no doubt as to the perpetrator; it bore Taehyung's unmistakable signature. Upon closer inspection, the wounds suggested that Tae had enlisted Jimin's assistance; Jimin always displayed a greater tolerance for torture than the others.

It marked the first occasion in a considerable while that someone had dared to summon Jungkook for something he most certainly had a hand in-well, perhaps not directly involved, but certainly ordered.

"Can't say they ring a bell, should I know them?" Jungkook's smile bore a flirty undertone, coupled with a teasing edge. "I must say, it's rather rude of you; you haven't even introduced yourself unless you just want me to keep calling you pretty boy."

That elicited a deeper flush to the detective's cheeks, yet he maintained composure. "You can refer to me as Detective Kim. You claim not to recognise any of these individuals, but one of them has been frequently associated with your company. Does that still not resonate with you?"

Ah, so this detective was genuinely engaging; he hadn't merely summoned Jungkook to gauge his character. Well, that was a new development. Jungkook reclined in his chair, openly scrutinising the other man with appreciative eyes. "My company is linked to many people; expecting me to be familiar with all of them is rather unreasonable, don't you think? I am a busy man."

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