30. My sweet girl

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry," she cried, "I missed being in your arms," she sniffled.

For a while Zuri held her and let her get her tears out, until she lifted her head and wiped at her eyes.

"I really hate being at odds with you sunshine," Zuri started, "I talked to my therapist yesterday morning and she suggested that I needed to learn how to communicate without so much anger and learn how to calm down before I approach situations—I wasn't being distant to punish you, I was being distant so I wouldn't hurt you—verbally or physically," she admitted. Nala felt her heartbreak hearing that Zuri wanted to physically hurt her but she couldn't pretend as if she hadn't threatened to fight her and had nearly done so, "me being distant isn't hurting less like she said, so, here I am trying my hardest to communicate and get my point across healthily, like she suggested," she let out a breath.

Nala sniffled, "thank you—and for one, I'm really proud of you for continuing therapy and even if you can't—I notice a huge change in you from the few sessions you've had," they smiled at each other, "I'm sorry for lashing out on you and initiating that I wanted to fight you, I was in the wrong and especially knowing you've dealt with abuse from your past relationship. You really showed growth that night because if that had been Zuri prior to therapy then it could have ended really badly for me," Nala let out a shaky breath, "I should have just listened to you when you suggested that I should let him explain before jumping into conclusions and making an ass of myself," she teared up again, "I didn't mean any of those nasty things I said to you, and I hope that you can allow me to try and make it up to you,"

Zuri smiled, Nala could tell it really didn't reach her eyes though. It was her fault, however, she planned to be on better terms with her before heading back home.

"Make it up to me like how?"

Hearing she was up to the idea made Nala feel a little better, "just be ready by eight—dress classy but elegant and I'll be by your room to get you,"

That was another thing that Nala felt terrible about, knowing that Zuri had attachment issues and she was forcing herself to sleep in a separate room from her. They had never gone out of town before and slept in different rooms, she guessed she had really meant it when she said she really didn't want to be around her.

"Oh.." Zuri chuckled, "I thought you meant like spanking me, strapping me, rubbing your clit on mines—"

Nala's face flushed in embarrassment as she covered Zuri's mouth and looked around the room to ensure they were still alone, "stop it," she whined, "and sex doesn't fix everything, especially this. I really want to show you how serious I am,"

"Well—it'll fix a lot for me," Zuri admitted, "I'll be ready though,"

Deciding against mentioning how sex shouldn't fix the majority of the things Zuri goes through, Nala only smiled and kissed her quickly before getting off of her lap having enough physical contact in an open space. They weren't in the best place to bring up her sex addiction so, she'd just let her therapist do her job when/if it was ever brung up. Bringing that up to Zuri only caused arguments over the last three years, and the last thing Nala needed to do was add fuel to the fire.

"I'm going to go call daddy," Zuri stood, "and take a nap, see you at eight,"

Letting out a fake smile, Nala nodded and watched her walk away. She wanted to be under her and nap with her too, "one step at a time," she reminded herself.


It was now three and Nala had been woken from her nap by her phone, seeing that it was Kylan calling she smiled and answered.

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