5 : Plan 2

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Nobody's POV

The twins reach that place, which was where the late Kims were murdered. It had been sold to the Kims family after their death. Looking at that, some horrifying flashbacks of the past started arising in the twin's heads -


Little Taehyung cried "Ma, Pa... w-what is happening?" His little eyes looked around and saw some masked men and a dark, dark place. The other Kims stirred and looked over at the youngest child. Mr. Kim's eyes softened and he was the first to speak up "Taehyung-ah, don't worry... Nothing will happen, we will get out of here. V, I suppose you know what is happening, keep Tae's eyes closed" V mumbled softly "I hope we get out of here soon" V perfectly knew what was happening to them. This has to be some rival in their parent's business who kidnapped them. One of the masked men, let's call him Man A - said :

Man A said "Finally, I got you all! Boss will be so pleased!" Man B said, "I heard V is exceptional in weapons and martial arts! Too bad, we have thick ropes this time - so no use!" Man C said, "It's time for your end Kims, Let's start with you, Mr.Kim"

Warning - Violence ahead, don't read if you have a weak heart

'Man A' took one of the sharp knives and made scratches on Mr. Kim's body. The clothes became ripped and torn. 'Man B' took another knife and cut Mr. Kim's right wrist. Blood dripped onto the floor as Mr. Kim screamed. "AHHHHHHHHH!" The twins got traumatized by it. And, it was this one mistake V made that he regretted, he let Taehyung watch the horrifying sight. 'Man C' took out his gun and shot Mr. Kim in both legs. Out came a terrifying scream from Mr. Kim's mouth. 'Man D' who had been watching all of this silently, just shrugged. 'Man A' cut Mr. Kim's fingers and nose. Mr. Kim screamed so hard that the whole family flinched.

Man B decided to end all of this by shooting Mr. Kim in the head. After that, they killed Mrs. Kim brutally.

It is safe to read now (The above was just a description of that torture)

Surprisingly, none of the men saw that V had a sharp blade with him. V helped Taehyung come out of there. Before going, he heard something that will help him in the future.

"Since this is your last day on Earth, I will tell you something essential. We are professional workers hired by Red Blood Gang... "

V heard everything. The twins left the place hurriedly and quietly. Unfortunately, they were unlucky. Some of the outside guards saw them and tried to shoot. V dodged most of the shots since he was good at martial arts. V made sure Taehyung didn't get a single scratch. While doing so, he got a few minor shots. V had some extra money in his pockets. They ran outside the place and found a taxi. They went to the Kim Mansion. While on their way, they met a few mafias. They had met them before. That was how the twins started their reign in the underworld.

Flashback ends

The twins felt tears streaming down their cheeks. They nod at each other, a firm determination to show each other. They stepped into the place they dreaded. They saw Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon chained inside the place. Mr. Min Yoongi said "Masters, I tried my best to make them open their mouths. They just said that they want to meet you privately." The twins nod their heads. They want to know the truth from the Jeons anyway. Mr. Jeon weakly said, "Please l-listen to me King and King's t-twin..." The twins chucked at his condition. They always wanted this...

The twins said "We want to torture you till you are useless, but since you are so desperate, you can speak" Mr. Jeon said feebly "Thank you for letting me speak... When Red Blood Gang was in the 2nd position of the mafias, your parents were in the first position. Their gang was the Heartless Blood Gang. As you know already, this gang's owners were hidden from everyone. My brother, who ruled the Red Blood Gang, somehow found out the owners were Kim's. Also, when you both were kids, don't you remember your childhood sweetheart who is Kookie? This boy you have been searching for all these years is my son who you know as Jeon Jungkook"

"My brother disguised himself as someone else since he was afraid. He didn't know you guys were alive, he only came to know that a few years after the late Kim's death. I have lost contact with him. Now that you know all this, can you let my wife and me go?" So, all this time - the twin's parents were mafia undercover? Also, the current love of their life was the past love of their life? Mr. Jeon's brother was the one who had been doing all this? The twins felt a range of emotions, all at the same time. It was a lot to process.

The twins freed the Jeons while Mr. Min Yoongi was confused. He asked them what happened and the twins gave their usual response, a nod - which indicated 'everything is ok, we are fine.' They drove to Kim Mansion.

In the Kim Mansion

The twins came inside the mansion, to see something that made their blood rise. The guards were looking down as if they were hiding something. They came inside the mansion, finding all the maids looking down. They knew something was up. They went to their bedroom. "Jungkook?" called out the twins softly. No response. They were worried and amused. That is what they felt. They searched the whole mansion... Jungkook? Nothing. Every maid and guard stood in front of the twins in minutes, praying to be alive.

Patience in every situation. A sentence V had learned from their parents and passed on to Taehyung when he was older. They break this rule, very rarely. After seeing Jungkook, everything related to him was taken seriously. The twins lost their patience. Taehyung said deeply and huskily, "Where is my Jungkook?!" All the maids kept quiet since they knew they were dead if they said something. V said "Didn't you guys hear? Where is he!!" One of the new maids said while shivering badly "H-he was there when I c-checked a few m-minutes ago, Maybe h-he-"

She didn't complete it, and she will never get the chance to complete it.

All the maids looked at her in pity. They forgot to tell this before bullets decorated her head. While in despair and anger, the twins said "Call Yoongi and tell him to track Jungkook. I remember putting a tracker in his bracelet and necklace just in case" One of the maids informed Yoongi and they went back to work. Yoongi told him a few minutes later "Found it. It is Kang, our rival" The twins chuckled so darkly that everyone flinched, and said "Guess he forgot he is messing with us. The Powerful Twins!!!"


Author: I am incredibly sorry for the late update. I know I am irresponsible. Please forgive your cutie author. 😢🤞💕💕😍😍 By the way, I have already made the plots for the next 2 chapters. I just have to expand it. What are your opinions? What do you think will happen next? I edited it a little. Who do you think "Powerful Twins" is? Do comment down below. Guys, did you see our little achievement? #20 in victory and #146th in taekookff. I am so shocked. I never expected this. You guys are the reason!! 💕💕😊😊💕💕

There are 1282 words in total!

Thanks, AN

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