Baby Blues

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Chapter Five - Baby Blues
Season Six - Episode Eight
Invest in love


Hannah had been stuck on the night shift, Alex Karev by her side as the pair of them attempted to organise just what they were going to spend their upcoming weekend off doing. So far Alex was going to wallow in his sorrows in the bar and Hannah was pretty much convinced she was going to join him. And as the pair sat in one of the doctor's offices hidden up on the surgical floor, that was when a pager went off. At first Alex scrambled to his, desperate to see if it was him being called down to wherever he was needed. However, when a frown made its way onto his face, Hannah took the chance to look at hers which had been placed next to his on the desk just a little bit away from her, fed up with the buzzing it made when pressed against the pocket on her scrubs. 

She moved quickly to check the message taking in the number which flashed up and the code connected to it. She was quick to notice that the code was for one of the ER assessment rooms, one of the major rooms. Hannah was quick to pick up the phone on the desk to call the number they had left back, ensuring that she could assess what they needed from her and work to sort it out. And as she waited for someone to pick up on the other side, she noted that Alex's own pager went off, it would appear their hours of lamenting about their lonely lives was over. 

"Hello?" The voice spoke from the other side of the phone when it finally connected.

"Hi this is Doctor Cole, surgical, you've paged?" Hannah spoke into the phone.

"Hannah, it's Murph." The voice of one of Hannah's favourite ER Charge Nurses came through the phone and though she thought she had recognised it, she was happy to know she was dealing with one of her favourites. "We've got a 30 week old pregnant woman here showing severe signs of distress following a car accident, we're awaiting official CT results but I think we need you down here for a consult." The man spoke and Hannah was already grabbing her belongings including her favourite water bottle knowing that she was needing to be down in the ER for the long run. 

"Okay I'm on my way, have you paged OB yet?" Hannah quieted knowing the nurse had definitely done so, but she needed to know if she was going to meet the OB resident there or not. It would be easier with them both working together, even if she was slightly jealous of the OB residents but she wouldn't tell them that. 

"Yeah I'm waiting on them to call me back." Murph confirmed and Hannah finished the call. Collecting her lucky pen and her bottle and she was out of the office Alex on her feet. 

"I've got a 15 year old following a fall from a roof." He mumbled to her as the pair waited for the elevator which would take them down from the surgical floor to the ER.

"30 year old following a car accident, baby in distress." Hannah whispered back and the two residents looked at one another. Neither exactly wanting to swap cases, after all despite stating he wanted to be a plastic surgeon Alex worked best with paediatric cases. And supposedly a lover of all things surgical, Hannah thrived on Obstetrics and Gynaecology cases. Just neither of them were willing to admit it aloud yet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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