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Chapter Three - Tremor
Season Six - Episode Seven
Give Peace a Chance


Hannah could not believe what she had missed during one simple episode of sickness. She hadn't realised until that moment that they really were all truly a risk of losing their jobs at any point in time. Firstly, Izzie had been let go for something that was out of her own control, though Hannah could kid herself into believing that deep down the hospital were acting in Izzie's best interest by letting her go whilst she was so unwell. But she also knew there was a law suit behind an unfair dismissal. But April Kepner had been let go of as well, April who was possibly the first Mercy West Resident that Hannah had actually grown to like and not see as purely competition. 

Therefore, returning to the hospital only to be gathered by Derek in the Resident lounge to be assessed for possibility to perform Microsurgery had her much more anxious than she expected to be. If Hannah was being honest, having heard the case they wanted to scrub in on, the person who it was being performed on. Hannah wasn't even sure she wanted to be part of it. She had seen the scans, she had heard Cristina gush about how much of a cool surgery it would be, how much she had wanted it. And Hannah didn't really want to be part of it. Plus she was almost one hundred percent sure she wouldn't be able to take part in such a long surgery and stay focused. Plus neurosurgery, despite being the reason she had wanted to go into medicine in the first place, was the first type of surgery which had grossed her out. 

"Microsurgery is all about precision. The microscope changes your perspective radically. The hand-eye co-ordination required can be learned, but right now, I need naturals. Each one of you will get a chance to guide this pen through the hole in the cup. The person who makes a mark closest to the presidents nose and doesn't hit the side of the cup gets to scrub in. Who wants to go first?" Derek announced and Hannah immediately knew she was out of the running. Hand eye co-ordination was a mixed skill of hers, some days she had great hand-eye co-ordination to the point where it could be something she could brag about. Other days she had the hand-eye co-ordination of an amoeba. And Amoeba's didn't have hands or eyes. 

She watched as resident after resident went up in an attempt to complete the challenge set out to them by the Neuro Attending. Feeling as her stress levels began to mount, she hated the idea of everyone watching her in this moment in time. And then, then the compulsion began to rise. Like an itch she needed to scratch. A tingling sensation even. That was when she knew she was in trouble, and she didn't to let the newcomers in to her not so secret secret. She knew that they would see it as something to hold against her. And as her right bicep began to twitch and it radiated down to her no longer steady hand she let out a sigh. Especially considering she watched as Cristina was no where near as accurate as she claimed she would be. Hannah knew it would come down to her to try and continue to show that they were a good group of residents. 

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