Pretty Boy

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Chapter Four -  Pretty Boy
Season Six - Episode Seven
Give Peace a Chance


Hannah found herself sat upon the Gallery of the OR watching down as the team took their time to assess Isaac's tumour. It had taken them over an hour to even get access to the location where the tumour began and Hannah pondered just how long it would take for them to start making a progressive plan to treat. Meredith had complained to her about the fact that Derek didn't really have a plan going into the surgery, Hannah could understand the lack of plan from one aspect, the scan showed such an intense involvement of the tumour it made sense that overly planning wasn't exactly going to work out. But having no plan, that was a little bit ballsy. But then again that never seemed to be out of the picture for Derek Shepard, the man who basically thought of himself as God. 

She had been first joined by Cristina, the pair sitting in a comfortable silence as they looked down upon the operating room. Hannah struggled to move her eyes away from the Mercy West resident who had caused her a little bit of a melt down earlier in the day. She wished she could keep her eyes from drifting over, it felt very strange in reality that she found herself drawn back to him. It felt like she was developing a school girl crush on the man, and she knew it was ridiculous. And she needed to take a step back. 

At the three hour mark, Hannah could no longer continue to sit there and just watch as Derek Shepherd stared at the tumour and refused to progress further. She was sure enough she was going to hear plenty about it back at the house they were all sharing. Therefore, with a quiet 'excuse me' she passed Cristina and Owen, who had been talking quietly between themselves this entire time, and out of the gallery wondering if there was anything she could do in the meantime. 

It wouldn't be until the next day when they found a use for Hannah. A use she was not expecting to actually have been volunteered for. That was blocking the door of the operating room which held the same surgical team in from the day prior as they took another attempt to look at Isaac's tumour. Blocking it from the chief of surgery who was not going to be impressed when he found out that the team was not just cutting the spinal cord to remove the tumour but were going to try and completely remove it instead. And as she stood shoulder to shoulder with the perky paediatric attending, Hannah did wonder which the pair of them had been chosen. Firstly, there was no chance Arizona would be strong enough to make it through two attempts of the chief to pass. And Hannah was nowhere near confident to stand up to her boss. But Lexie had asked her very nicely to do so, so she had given in. Plus Callie had promised her cupcakes from the bakery down the road for completing this. The vanilla ones with the sprinkles on top, they were everything she ever wanted. Easily bribed yes. 

But the moment when Chief Webber came to approach the operating room doors, Hannah began to immediately regret being so easily bribed to stand at the door. Chief Webber scared her at the best of times, with his no-nonsense attitude, she wasn't sure she had ever seen him smile over the years she had been working under him. Plus he held her job up in the balance of everything. And if the way things had previously gone were any indication of just how quickly it would take for her to lose her job. Hannah was terrified. But she owed it to the people inside, to Isaac on the table who just wanted to get better. Therefore, she decided to stupidly pull her big girl panties on and brace herself to be as strong willed as she possibly could. 

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