8-Talk with the Monk

319 15 18

Warnings for harsh language and violence

-Contains 4 comic panels about Sonic's transformation.
-comics are read from left to right, top to bottom on each of comic pages

(Tiny side note: I might have forgotten to give the trio a map or sense of direction when they talked with Vector previously. So I made up for it.)


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Sonic stood with his hands behind his head as he yawned. His canine fangs shined in light.
He was becoming bored as the two hedgehogs were bickering.
"Do you even know where we are going?" Silver asked.
Shadow answered, "No, do you?"
"I thought you had a map," Silver said as he pointed at the older hedgehog.
Shadow took out a key from his pocket, "I got the key, and the quest goal. Didn't the Bard give you guys the map?"
Silver replied, "I thought it was your job to get all the information from Vector."
Shadow threw his arms up, "screw this, go ask an animal or a bug where the nearest cave is and we will start there."

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