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I suddenly woke up from a memory that seemed like a nightmare. I hear my adoptive mother, Christina, calling my name. It's the first day of the new high school. She says, "Amelia, I hope you get up for school."

I sigh tiredly and take a book from the pile on the white dresser to start waking up. I didn't see what book I took, but it doesn't matter. This stack has most of my favorite books. They go from Narnia to Twilight, and from the John Vardon books to the Terry Terry books.

These are the books I like to return to for all the reasons that come up, to escape from reality for counseling and to see my problems through other characters, to learn, and of course, these are the common reasons I return to books but for me, there is something else and a more personal reason... I suppressed feelings for too long. When I read books, I feel the same emotions that I suppressed. Love and joy bind them together like I'm happy but faking it.

The book I'm reading is "Starting Over" by Terry Terry. In it, the government makes criminals reboot. They empty their personality through memory erasure. So that's how I feel.

I cried at the part where Kayla's partner died... tears kept coming from my eyes. This is so sad and my heart breaks. I loved him and it reminds me of my dog's death when I was human. He was 13 years old when he died.

I remembered him and the way he died. I wiped away the tears and smiled to show that I was okay. Chris will notice that this is not true, but it has been a habit for years.

I got out of bed, put on some music, and did my morning routine in a flash. On the first floor, Chris saw me and lowered her smile. She raised her eyebrows suspiciously and said, "Did something happen?"

I shook my head. I don't want to tell her even though I talk to her about everything. I don't want to bother her with my problems. "Everything is fine, nothing happened," I said with a forced smile.

"Are you sure? You don't look good." She pressed anxiously. She won't believe me. I would say because of my expressions. But, I had a few girlfriends when I was human. None of them knew my true feelings or struggles, like my family.

She placed a cup in front of me with hot chocolate and some demon blood, I sighed because I didn't know "I had a nightmare again with the memory of telling you what happened right before I got to you, I have no idea what to do if it's... Usually, I see something good or I listen to music and read before bed. I do it to have a good dream, but it doesn't work." I started drinking the comforting chocolate, I knew she had good advice, and maybe she would help.

She is leaning on a kitchen table. She scans her mind for things to help this situation, "Maybe you should try writing this dream down? I think it would help even if it's a memory."

I honestly didn't think about it but isn't it stupid? But I will try it because I have no other choice. "That's a really good idea, I'll try to use it." I slowly placed the mug on the table. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a vision appeared. It was of an 18-year-old boy with blue-stained green eyes and devilish hair. We were arguing about something important, but I don't know what. It seemed like he and the rest of the family loved me. Everywhere you hear another thick voice. It means we have to gather in a certain place. But, I felt it was dangerous. All things supernatural are at risk. That's most of high school.

We all rushed to the same place and saw ten people. Eight soldiers with weapons and two people who I think were a couple. But, I recognized my family and others I didn't know.

I sighed and a shiver went through my body following the vision. The only thing I'm interested in now is getting as much detail as possible about the vision, like who are they? What it means? When will this happen and the most important question is, why are they doing this? I'm stressed and afraid that this will happen because of course, it will lead to a terrible disaster after it comes true, I think that all the time that goes by like this the fear increases and I'm not even sure what to be afraid of...

"You saw something, didn't you? What did you see?" Chris asked cautiously. She fears the future, and rightly so. I have no idea what will happen, but it will be bad. We have to try to stop it. Maybe I won't be this boy's partner. Or I'll stop these people from taking over the high school.

I told her what I saw. Then, she thought deep in her head, "We need a plan to stop this. Do you know what high school this is?"

I tried to scan the memory from the vision. I remember someone saying something vague. They said, "It's a school for both humans and supernatural but I don't know more than that." I said uncertainly, leaning back in shame.

"If that's the case then I know what kind of high school this is..." Chris admitted scratching her head a little.

"Which?" I asked curiously and furrowed my eyebrows.

"You will go to Grand Ridge High School. There, some classes develop the powers of the supernatural." She explained to me and added "I'll probably have to warn the principal and the teachers at the high school. They need to make a plan. We have to wait for when it happens."

"I'm 274 years old, so why exactly did you want me to go there? I had enough time to learn the powers I have now, I don't need to develop any powers." I cancel her words.

"I wanted to register you there. You probably have more than one creature with wings and horns. They'll tell you about your other creatures." Again, she explained calmly, as if she expected me to be angry with her, and she was right.

"Why didn't you say anything to me and Abigail all these years? And why am I the only one going back to high school?" I said, lacking understanding. "Because as far as I can remember, Abigail is my biological sister, so if I have an identifying mark for a mixture of supernatural beings..."

I didn't finish the sentence, but she understood me and nodded her head. "You're right. She has that identification too, but you didn't notice it all this time? When you looked at your sister or when you looked in the mirror...didn't you see it?" I shook my head no. She twisted her face. "Strange. But in any case, Abigail is also at an academy that combines human and natural. If we're talking, you should go there."

I got up from my chair and put my bag on my shoulder. I started to walk to the parking door. But, a question about the high school came up. So, I stopped and turned towards Chris. "I have a few questions about the high school... the first question is about what you said. You said you would talk to a school founder or principal. So, do you know him? Who is he?"

Chris ran her hand awkwardly through her hair. "Yes... I know him. I founded this school with five friends. Every member was a supernatural being except one, who was human. That was hundreds of years ago." She got up from the chair and walked towards me. She opened the parking door and got into the driver's seat of the red car.

I got into the car after her, in the front passenger seat. Well, if she's already talking to me about a small part of the transfer... then I can ask her more questions, can't I? "Why did you set up this school that blends in with humans?" I asked out of a lack of understanding. I put a seat belt around me to silence that beeping, but I realized who made it. I knew there were lessons for the supernatural. But, I didn't understand how it worked because the supernatural could harm humans. For example, kill them.

She started driving, and we drove towards the school. I looked at her and saw trees blurred by the speed behind her. "There was a war between all the people in the world. All the supernaturals fought each other and the humans. They established a government that combined supernaturals and humans to bring order."

I looked at the window next to me and saw the view that calms me from the visual stress. After a few seconds of silence, I asked, "Aren't you afraid of something bad happening to humans? How does that work?"

"We'll always be afraid that something bad will happen, that's why we'll watch over them all the time, but the students are the ones who can choose what to study, let's say... humans can choose to be in the classes of the supernatural and the supernatural can be in the classes of humans."

Chris slowed the car at the beginning of the parking lot. There was a sign that said we had arrived at Grand Ridge School. She looked at the sides of the road. She then pulled into the parking lot to find a parking spot.

The Mysterious Life of Amelia 1 - RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now