8: July 3rd, 2134 Floria's POV

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First person, Floria's POV

I set down the diary and went outside, where everyone else was, but I didn't see anyone out there. "Hello?" I called out. "Is anyone there?"

I didn't hear anyone answer so I kept walking. I decided to check around the back of the shed. When I saw what was back there, I yelped and covered my eyes.

Larian and Falar were making out behind the shed. I didn't want to see that. I cleared my throat and they jumped apart, both of their faces bright red.

"Umm... We can explain this!" Falar burst out. He and Larian were looking at the ground, not making eye contact. "We were just... practicing! Yeah, practicing. For when we kiss girls and... yeah."

This time Larian spoke up, speaking almost too fast for me to hear. "What he means is that I'm gay and he's bi and we really like each other and please don't get mad at him but I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said yes and we've been together for 2 years now."

I was in shock. I wasn't mad at my brother for having a boyfriend, but I was annoyed and hurt that he had kept this from me for so long. I lost it. "You had a boyfriend for 2 years and you didn't tell me! You didn't even tell me after you came here and found out I have two boyfriends. We both have unconventional love, you know. And you know I would have supported you! How could you keep this from me for five whole years?! Were you ever going to tell me?" The last part came out in a whisper.

"We were going to tell you, I promise, but I was just scared that you would hate me. I was going to tell you tonight, at dinner, but then this happened, so..." Falar blushed again as he said this.

"Fine, fine. I will spare you my anger for today. But that's all you get."

Floria RialmanderWhere stories live. Discover now