7: July 3rd, 2134

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July 3rd, 2134

Dear Diary,

Things are amazing right now. Tyloh and Nereo are amazing, they bring me whatever I need or want and their hugs are just the best things ever. I love them so much. I haven't tried to hurt myself recently, so things are doing a lot better. Larian and Falar decided to stay longer than they originally planned. They'll be here until August.

Falar wanted to make sure I was doing okay before he left and he also wanted to make sure (his words, not mine) that we weren't getting up to any "funny business." Larian just came along because he wanted to stay with Falar.

I'm starting to think there's something more going on between them, but I don't know for sure. I've suspected that Falar was gay or at least bi for a while now. He didn't exactly try to hide the long stares at other men when we're out in public.

I would be happy for them if they were together, but I kind of feel guilty because, at the same time, I feel like if my brother ever got into a relationship he would just forget about me. And that scares me because I don't think I could live without him. I know it's a little unlikely and unreasonable, but I can't help but feel this way.

I'm scared that once Falar leaves again he won't ever come back and he won't want to see me. We may fight sometimes, but he is my everything and I couldn't live without him.

Anyway, that's enough sappy stuff for today, I'm going to leave this for now and go enjoy the time I have with Falar, Larian, Nereo, and Tyloh.

Thanks for listening diary

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