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Dahlia was seated in her room alone. Kahar had left, probably would be coming back to bring her dinner. She had calmed down and was now reading her book. She was in Kahar's hoodie, lying on her bed. She enjoyed the peace and silence. It helped to calm her thoughts that was always hectic.

With everything that has happened, it was difficult to keep her mind calm. Living with her Ayah and Ibu, it was always calm and quiet. It wasn't easy the first few times. She had always lived her life as if she was walking on eggshells so she applied the same in Ayah and Ibu's household until they convinced her that it was okay to make mistakes.

Speak of the devil, she suddenly received a phone call from Ibu. She smiled and immediately answered it.

"Assalamualaikum ibu."

"Waalaikumsalam, Dahlia. Maaf ibu tak call selama Dahlia masuk sekolah. Ibu rindu sangat ngan Dahlia."

"Ala, takpe lah bu—"

The door suddenly barged open with Ayam loudly revealing himself.

"Assalamualaikum wanita melayu terakhir!" He shouted.

Dahlia widened his eyes and immediately placed her index finger on her lip, signing to him to shut up. Ayam hovered his hand over his mouth. Fakhri who was behind him also helped to shut him up.

"Apa tu, Dahlia? Semua okay ke?"

"Y-Ya bu. Semua okay. Kawan-kawan Dahlia je ni...memekak."

"Wah...Dahlia ada kawan?"

"Wow, ibu. That's offensive, you know? I am capable of making friends."

Ibu laughed. Ayam sat on middle of the bed while Fakhri sat at the edge of her bed after closing the doors.

"Ibu sihat kat rumah? Ayah mana?"

"Sihat, Alhamdulilah. Ibu sihat. Ayah ada jatuh sakit. Batuk-batuk, hingus."

"La macam mana boleh sakit? Bilang ayah suruh minum ubat. Ibu pun sama. Nanti jangkit macam mana?"

As she spoke on the phone, she noticed the sad look on Fakhri's face. A few hours ago, Dahlia was cursing and shouting at her biological mother and now? She's so gentle with her ibu. Dahlia frowned.

"Takde lah, ibu okay je. Ayah tu. Rindu sangat dengan Dahlia sampai jatuh sakit. Nanti okay la tu. Dia risau ngan kamu."

Dahlia laughed lightly, "Mana ayah? Meh Dahlia borak ngan ayah. Dapat la hilangkan rindu tu sikit."

"Hah, okay okay. Ibu pass handphone dekat Ayah."

Some movements were heard and mumbles. Dahlia kept her eyes on Fakhri, flickering to Ayam a few times who was doing the same thing as she was. That until Ayah took over the phone.


Dahlia smiled brighter, "Apa hello hello? It's Assalamualaikum Ayah."

I See You | Abdul Kahar - P. High CouncilWhere stories live. Discover now