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"Dahlia. Dahlia. Tolong lah buka pintu ni."

"Kau berambus boleh tak? Aku tak nak tengok muka kau lah."

Kahar sighed and pressed his forehead against her door. He continued knocking on her door, annoyingly.

  Fuck doh. Dorang tu adik beradik. Aku messed up!

  Moments after he had announced her win, one of the form 5 student informed Hakeem of the warden's presence. They scrambled out from the room. Naim and Fakhri were both helping Dahlia get out from the room. She couldn't be spotted by the teacher. Her face was bruised and bloody.

  That girl was psychotic. Blood that people would usually wipe off, she lets it remain on her face through the fight. But Kahar understood her. She displayed herself as a tough girl. Blood as "little" as that shouldn't be affecting her in any way. It should rather be improving her performance.

  The video of her fight in her previous school has circulated throughout the entire school. Everyone except the teachers knew how well she could fight. Zahrin was upset about it. Kahar didn't know how it managed to spread but news spreads fast when you've done something huge. Beating up a member of the high council and winning was definitely something huge.

  After everyone had scrambled out from the room, they were all supposed to have dinner. Dahlia didn't show up at the DM. Naim and Fakhri were at the DM, so were Ayam and Amirr. They were seated separately. Students were talking about Dahlia being the eldest in the three of them.

  Something probably had happened between Naim and Fakhri that made them sit separately. The four of them being here was already a sign that something might have happened.

  "Kahar. Selama ni kau tahu yang Dahlia tu boleh bergaduh?"

  Kahar looked up at Zahrin and nodded, "Ye. Asal?"

  "Asal kau kata? Kau tak bilang aku! Kau tengok apa jadi dekat aku?"

  "Kau tu yang lemah. Stakat awek macam Dahlia kau tak boleh turunkan, macam mana kau nak lawan ngan budak Prakash tu?" Kahar said.

  "Sial lah kau, Kahar. Kau rasa aku tak malu ke? Satu batch form 4 and 5 nampak aku kene belasah."

  "Tu la kau confident sangat. Tak pasal-pasal dah kene belasah ngan awek," Fahmi laughed.

  "Kau diam lah. Aku suruh dia belasah kau baru kau tahu."

  "Hmm kau cuba lah. Bukan kau yang jadi hamba dia?" Ariz teased.

  "Sekarang ni, locker aku macam mana? Aku dah takde uniform. Semua perempuan tu dah potong."

  "Relax lah. Baju-baju kau tu semua Hakeem simpan kat belakang. Aku yang suruh Keem hancurkan, bukan Dahlia. Aku nak tengok je kalau memang dia tu fighter," Kahar said before getting up. "Dah ah. Aku nak belah dulu."

  He turned and met with Dahlia. She was standing with her arms crossed and face in disbelief. Without a word, she turned and stomped away.

  "D-Dahlia," Kahar called.

  He chased after the girl and kept calling her name.

  "Bunga, bukak la pintu ni."

  "Apa bunga-bunga! Senang-senang kau panggil aku bunga. Kau tak faham bahasa ke? Aku cakap pergi berambus. Aku tak nak tengok muka kau," She shouted from within her room.

  "Ok fine, kau tak nak tengok muka aku, takpe. Tapi dengar lah penjelasan dari aku."

  "Kau nak jelaskan apa lagi? Kau dah fitnah aku macam-macam. Malukan aku depan orang. All over what pun aku tak tahu. Kau sebenarnya ni nak apa ah?" Dahlia asked. "Sekejap kau baik dengan aku, suap aku makan la bagai. Lepas tu kau bencikan aku. Buat aku macam bahan kau. Sekarang, kau nak minta maaf pula. Eh aku confuse la."

I See You | Abdul Kahar - P. High CouncilNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ