Chapter 2 - Never Run From a Fight

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Catherine stopped, air ripping on the razor sharp edge of Rowan's sword as it came swinging down not inches from her face. She ripped a dagger out of her sheath and spun towards him with a stab. He blocked with a wrist and swung with the sword, using the hilt to hit her in the back. Catherine used the momentum and ducked, his sword zipping over her head. She stepped back and jumped as he swung at her middle.

Catherine stepped to the right, swinging at his head but Rowan fell on his knees, deflecting her chop and slashing at her feet. She blocked his sword and gave him a good kick to the chest. Rowan quickly caught Catherine's sword with his. She slashed wickedly, dancing with Rowan's movements, moving forwards and backwards.

Rowan wrapped his sword around hers, twisting to his left and throwing an elbow towards her head. Catherine dropped to the deck. He was stronger than her, so she had to be faster. She posed a quick counter attack, catching him in the forearm before he could dodge. Rowan stopped, dropping his sword to his side. He glanced at the small cut she'd left then tilted his head up at her, feigning a look of disdain through his brow.

"Not bad, Captain," said Rowan.

Catherine wiped the sweat from her face with the back of her wrist. The two watched each other for a moment, catching their breath.

"You as well," she gestured with her sword.

"I thought I had you for a minute there," he jeered as he returned his weapons to his belt.

She scoffed, "Yeah right. That's only what I wanted you to think."

She did the same, securing each dagger in its place. He's right though. I need to be faster. She looked at the other trainees on deck. Lawson and Joseph were dueling with longswords, both deep in concentration. Elena and Robin were on the starboard side; Elena was batting at Robin's hurled daggers. To their left, Ana was losing badly to Donna, in fact, Catherine watched as Donna tripped her and got her in a chokehold. Why does she even try?

"I'd like you to work with Warren more Rowan, the lad needs better defenses," said Catherine. She sighed "and I shall work with Ana."

"Aye, Captain," said Rowan, dismissed. He turned his back.

"Aaaand another thing," she waited for Rowan to turn, meeting his patient gaze, "thank you...for what you did for Mary-Anne," Catherine said. She put her sword back in its place by her side and fidgeted with the hilt. "She likes the sword, I mean."

Rowan's mouth twitched.

"My pleasure Miss Catherine. Captain."

He bowed his head slightly and left to meet Warren.

Catherine stared after him, shocked at hearing her name, but was soon shaken out of it when she heard a shout.

"Sail, Ho!" Mary-Anne called.

Catherine looked up to see Mary-Anne's legs caught through the marine rope ladder, pointing and shouting. Catherine ran to the quarter deck, the crew making way for her. She spotted a ship sailing towards them not two leagues away. Kris and Ana came to stand beside Catherine.

"Yes!" cheered Kris. She threw an arm around Ana, "finally." The two giggled, getting a grin out of Catherine. "Can we? Can we pleeeease?" squealed Kris, practically shaking Ana.

Catherine looked at her sisters and shook her head with a sigh. The two looked at her with huge smiles awaiting her answer. She rolled her eyes and nodded her head.

"Yes!" cheered Kris.

"All hands on deck!" shouted Catherine, "bring a spring upon 'er!"

Catherine hopped over the quarter deck railing landing on the main. She ordered everyone into their respective battle stations. Ana took the wheel awaiting the word and Kris began distributing powder and weapons.

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