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"No was-.." CRASH!...
(Carson's Pov)
we both quickly turn our heads and look out as we see the group of guys stealing my bike "THOSE FUCKERS!" I yell before slamming my fist on the counter making it bleed a little before running out the door "GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING BIKE" I ran out the door running a little bit farther down the side walk before realized it was gone for good "Shit.. FUCK how am I suppose to get home!?" It's already fucking dark outside how am I suppose to get anywhere now? Shit shit shit...I almost tear up "hey.." someone grabs my shoulders was it Liam? "I can..drop you off near your house?" I turn around and see that it is Liam "no.. it's okay I can.. walk it's fine it's only maybe 30 minutes away.." I say as I smile back reassuring him "I insist.. really" he says before pausing "..I'll close up right quick and we can ride on my motorcycle" motorcycle? Did he just say motorcycle? My eyes beam in excitement "Did you say motorcycle??" I say smiling widely "Yeah I did.." He smiles back at my excitement
Liam starts closing up the restaurant since Ms. Carla left due to some kind of emergency and left the task to Liam he finishes and locks it up before leading me to his motorcycle 'sick..' I think to myself as Liam hands me a helmet "Safety put it on I'll be fine" I put on the helmet and hop on after Liam "My house is just straight down and to the right I'll tell you when you can drop me off" I say excitedly as I sit on the motorcycle Liam nods "you should probably hold me it's pretty fast" I look at Liam's back and blush a little from embarrassment as I hesitantly wrap my arms around his waist, I could feel his abs his waist was snatched an curved and man did he work out good 'how can a man be so beautifully' carved I think to myself and shake my head again 'not these thoughts again'
We ride for a few minutes "this turn right here" I tell him raising my voice so he could hear me over the wind "hold on tight" he says and I listen as I grab his waist tighter while laying my head on his back clenching on for dear life as he swerves a turn "you can drop me off here my house is a few blocks down" I say as he drops me off near my house "I can drive you to your house if you want?" He says and I shake my head since I don't want him to see the shit hole I call "home", "no it's fine here is good, thanks anyways you know for the ride" he nods and opens his mouth ready to say something but hesitates, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "yes?" I ask as wind blows our hair swaying in the breeze of the cold night "until.. until you get a new ride..." he stops and continues a few second later "I could.. drop you off.." he claims quickly adding a extra phrase before I could say anything "only IF you want though" I chuckle thinking that was kind of cute "if you don't mind I won't mind" I say smiling before moving my hairs out of my face after the breeze settles down "see you at work in the morning then princess" I say sarcastically as I start walking away I could hear Liam mumble "princess?.." in confusion I couldn't help but smile...
Sigh.. "home.." I unlock my door and take off my shoes, "finally! Ughhhh" I say as I jump on my bed in relaxation while turning over on my back staring off into the wall "today wasn't bad..." I say to myself before thinking of the guys who stole my bike "those mother fuckers" I say in a hiss throwing my pill at my wall "ughh that bike costed my life savings I didn't eat nothing but nutriant bars for three days for that bike" I grumble to myself "it'll take so long to get a new one everything sucks.." I toss and turn on my bed before landing back on my stomach and think of the motorcycle ride and Liam "I guess.. not everything was bad..." I close my eyes and drift off to sleep slowly...

Part 2 finished Monday April 8 1:01 am

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